Thursday, November 20, 2014

Would you recommend your book?

Dear Pioneers,
Today, you are going to write whether you would recommend the book you are reading at home or not and WHY. Please give an answer that explains why or why not you would recommend the book.

Here is an example of what I am looking for:
Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales: One Dead Spy  
By Marcia on
"A fantastic graphic novel!! A tremendous amount of Revolutionary history presented in a way that is so fun and engaging, I dare you not to be interested. Hale takes all the great parts of Nathan Hales's story: conflict, the heroes, villains, fighting, spies, and daring-do, and offers them up from the gallows on the day he was hung. The hangman and a British regular offer up their commentary as the story unfolds. Henry Knox was an incredibly optimistic dude, who performed an outstanding feat,and he gets his recognition here. We would be a nation of history scholars if history textbooks were written this way! I can't wait for the next book about the iron clads."



  1. I am reading the books of elsewhere the shadows. by Jacqueline west. I recommend this book because it is kind of like a mystery and a lot of people like mysteries . you have to figure out in a way if it might be a joke or if the paintings are really stuck to the wall without glue. well I am in the middle of the book and I think it great. it is so interesting and do not think that the book is boring at all. it is also creepy because the lady who used to live in the house died the little girl Olive is looking around in her house to get used to it and so far finds all of these cats even one with an eye patch. her mom makes her go down into the basement but I am not going to say what she finds. this is a great book to read. and I hope you do read it and enjoy it.~ ronald

  2. I am reading the book called The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan.I recommend this book because it gives you lots of details and the author puts in lots of figurtive language.This is only book one.There is a series called The Heroes of Olympus.I would recommend this book to people who like problems.Jason has a big problem.Leo has a way with tools and Piper has a secret.So if you want to read it check it out in the Library.~Flash

  3. I am reading the lemonade. it is by Jacqueline Davies.I recommend this book a lemonade stand and I now that every body like's lemonade.I like it so far because I am only in the begging of the book.So I can only tell you one thing about the book. So Jessie is being mean to her older brother Evan because to get back from when her older brother pushed her onto the ground.I hope you read it.~Becky

  4. I am reading Athlete vs Mathlete By:W.C.Mack hes a great author because he uses everything you'd maybe expect.I am pretty deep into the book. I cant believe its almost over! It is so good!The main characters are Russel the Mathlete and Owen the Athlete.
    Check it out its really good!


  5. I reccomened Munchen Madness because it has a lot of new words and german words.It is also cool because it tells you how to say it in English then in german and there is a dictionary full of really cool German words. here is a example. Pink: Rosa pernounced ROH-zah. Go check it out at a store or library. - Manning

    1. Maybe you can teach the class some words you learn!

  6. I Recommend the sisters grimm by Michale Buckley.I recommend this book because it has so much cool adventure all of you will enjoy.Also its a book boys can read.If you like mysteries like me you will also enjoy it.the two characters sabrina and daphne are a strong family including grandma Relda she is there grandmother.she is a mysterious grandmother who has a lot to say about the mysteries of the family. ps read this book lindsey.

  7. I would recommend Hideout because it's a cool book to read and has a lot of action. The author uses good disriptive words to really put you in that setting. The main characters are Griffen Bing also known as The Man With The Plan.
    - BOB

  8. I would recommend the 14th Goldfish because it's the perfect length. It did not take to long to read it. I also recommend it because it's an adventure book. He never gives up! I like the characters a lot. The main character is the Grandpa, and he never gives up and wears funny cloths because he used his machine to make him younger. He did not know how to dress as a young person. Really funny.

  9. I just finished reading Athlete VS Mathlete and I would recommend it to anyone who likes basketball. I recommend it because it teaches you that there is no I in team. I also recommend it because I like hearing both Russle and Owens objectives because each chapter is either Russle or Owen talking. I also love that Owen the Athlete gets mad at Russle when he makes the basketball team. I would rate this book four out of five stars. P.S. this book is written by W.C. Mack. Hope you read this wonderful book!~ANJELICA

  10. I recommend the book Platypus Police Squad #2 The Ostrich Conspiracy. I recommend it because it is funny, it is the right length for 4th graders, you will know what is happening, It is also a mystery. I don't want to ruin the book so I will put you on a cliff hanger. Tim

  11. I do recommend The Candy Makers. It is a really great book. I recommend it because it is a competition to see which kid can make the best candy. Who ever wins gets their candy sold and gets to work in the factory.

  12. I recommend Athlete vs Mathlete because it is a bluebonnet book.I also recommend this book because its about twins and how they are so different.I also think it is a very wonderful book for third grade through sixth grade.Read this book when you are finished with the book,read this one!-Cassandra

  13. I recommend the Witchy Worries of Abbie Adams.Its a story of witchy fun,a magic mystery,and a lovely cat or is it? Abbie is a witch of her giant family genoration of witches.Her dad finds a remedy for witch flu.But will it go wrong?She got a cat,but is it really? Now does she need to go on magic mystery?I rate this book for four and a half stars for the suspence and magic.I recommend this book to anyone who loves suspence,magic,and a good mystery.

  14. I recommend Dragon Breath #3 The curse of the were-weiner. I recommend it because its funny and adventurous, it is good for 4th graders and even more! Its is a adventurouse mystery you never know whats gonna pop out of something and whats happening, I also understand the book and the whole serie really well.The author of the book is:

    Ursula Vernon

    I Hope You Read This Book And The Other Books In The Serie!

    -Jake :D

  15. I would recommend Kingdom of Fantasy by Geronimo Stilton because it’s a very funny book and I think it might be a good book for 4th graders because it’s an easy book to read. Right now I read that Geronimo and his partner Scribble Hopper are in the kingdom of dragons and they already passed the kingdom of witches and the kingdom of mermaids! I can’t wait to see if Geronimo makes it through all the kingdoms to get to the kingdom of fairies! I really like the book because how Geronimo gets to go on these awesome adventures and I would love to adventure in the woods -Leon

  16. I am reading Field Trip to Niagara Falls by Geronimo Stilton. I would recommend it because it's funny, it's exciting, and it's adventurous. I think you would like it if you like learning about Niagara Falls and how it became a popular place to go. In all of his books he always finds a way out of trouble with a friend's help. Sometimes he also gets out of trouble accidentally by slipping and knocking over the thing he is running from.


  17. I would recomend my book, The Mouse and the Motorcyle. I know its a silly name but dont judge a book by its cover. this book really gets into detail, has alot of imagery, uses figurative launguage, and makes you want to read more. As a reader that doesnt enjoy reading as much as others, I stay focused because the story is very adventurous and you dont want to stop reading. I rate this book a 4-star because it tells a good lesson and discribes things better for us to understand. I love the fact that my book is easy and can take you to the place the author is discribing with all of that imagery they use. Beverly Cleary is the author of this book and of alot more of my favorites. Beverly Cleary is a wonderful author, check out some of her books too!


  18. ========
    I recommend World War || by Mike Sharpe. It gives so much detail like where were the battles and counterattacks. It shows me lots of maps so I understand what there telling me where it was. they tell me which president is bad like Adolf Hitler or good
    like Franklin D. Roosevelt. It also tells me where did the U.S.A put the 2 Atomic bomb exploded.

  19. I am reading The Name of This Book Is Secret. I would recommend this book because it is a mystery and I really like mystery books. To me they're very interesting. I think mystery books are interesting because they have a lot of action and excitement. The book I'm reading is a 350 page mystery. 350 pages of action, excitement, and close calls.


    P.S sorry about the late post ;(

    1. You did the post! That's all that matters! Thank you for working hard to get it done!

  20. The book i'm reading is the witches.I would recomend it because when you are reading you will have a good image. And one of my favorite thing about the wich i would recomend ,is the axent by the witches because instead of saying a word with a V it will be a W this is why i would recomeng the witches. -Lilly

  21. The Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul
    By Jeff Kinney

    I recommend this book because all the funny adventures Greg and his family are having during their summer road trip.

    I am almost in the middle of the book, and I am really thinking how all this crazy road trip it is going to end.


  22. I am reading Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck. I highly recommend this book about a family of mice. Lamont is always doing something dangerous and nearly getting killed. Beatrice is boy crazy and always winds up being distracted by them and putting herself in danger. Louise is best friends with a human and is too trusting of humans. She gets in trouble because she goes everywhere her best friend Camilla goes. Helena is the oldest and has a lot of work to keep her family together. I'm in the middle of the book and Lamont is wandering off again. Helena can't find her two sisters. I can't wait to see what happens next.


  23. "Awwww"I finished out of my mind and I really didn't want to.I would definitely rate it 5 stars. The main character,Melody,has disabilities with affects her body but not her brain so everybody thinks she has no brains at all.Soon she finds a way to speak using a computer.If you wanna know what happens next read it.There are some vocabulary words that you might stumble on but just get help from a parent.This book could be easy or hard read and find out.You will see what it is like to be out of your mind like Melody.
    -Emma Kay
