Tuesday, November 11, 2014

If I could be a character...

November 12, 2014


Good evening, Pioneers!

Tonight you will post a blog discussing if you could be any character in your book, who would you be, and why. Make sure your post is at least a paragraph, and that you give your answer some thought. The more details the better. I really want to understand why you would choose to be a certain character.

For example, if I was reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:

If I could be a character in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, I would be Huckleberry because he isn't afraid to take a chance and go on an adventure. For example in the story....

*Remember explain why you would want to be that character. Do you relate to them? Do you share something in common? Do you wish you were more like them?... etc.

Get to it, Pioneers!:)


  1. In my book I chose to be Poppy because she is brave by meeting her enemy Mr. Ocax with her father everyday. It relates to me because a lot of people consider me brave. Another thing that I want to be about Poppy is she stays around dangerous things without knowing and I do, too.


  2. in my book swindle the character I would want to be is the girl I forgot her name but she Ariana Grande plays for her in the movie because she can do backflips and stuff because she is a gymnast . ~ronald

  3. In my book the Mouse and the Motorcyle, the character i would like to be is ralph, the mouse. i want to be raph because 1 mouses are awesome and 2 i could make things turn very interesting in the book.


    1. Don't forget to capitalize first words in a sentence, Cindy Lou.

  4. I am reading the Lemonade war by Jacqueline Davies. I would be Jessica because she has an older brother. I also have an older brother.And also I would be her because she and her brother fight a lot and I like to fight a lot with my older brother.-Becky

  5. In my book Dragon Breath i would be Danny hes a dragon and he is really crazy hes normally clue less about stuff (well more then me). He makes the book stand out alot if you ask me. I hope you read Dragon Breath and I hope your favorite charecter is Danny too


    1. Could you give an example of a time when he was clueless in the book?

    2. Wendell his bestfriend is really smart and when he says something smart Danny thinks its exciting but then Wendell says what it really means Danny gets really clueless


      Sorry :P

    3. I think Dragon Breath seems like a very good book. I will keep it in mind.


  6. Hello, My name is Curtis and I am reading the Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules, by Jeff Kinney. I would like to be Manny Greg's younger brother because he gets all the toys and he gets his way and besides he is cute.

    1. That is a really good response!


    2. I would like to be Manny too. If I was Manny, I would ask my mom if l could go to amusement parks every day. I would also ask my mom for a bunch of candy and toys. I think l wouId get everything l asked for because he is spoiled.


    3. I agree with Colby, Manny is so spoiled! - Bob

  7. im reading athlete vs mathlete by wcmack and the main character is Russel and Owen I would like to be owen because hes the sporty kid


    1. Mr. Bennet, even though this is a typed response do not forget about the grammar, punctuation, and capitalization rules you have learned to use.

  8. I am reading Skinny Bones. I would want to be Alex because he is a nice, kind and pretty good at the sport baseball.


    1. Can you give an example from the story to show how he is these things?

    2. In the story Alex says things in nice ways and he caught the ball in right field.

    3. Hey its flash and that is a great book.Sounds fun to read

  9. If I had to pick what character I want to be in my book it would be either the sister or the mom because the brother is in the middle of now ware and the dad is out in the middle of no ware also. - Rachel

    1. Can you explain why the dad and brother are out in the middle of no where? Why is that no appealing to you? Details! :)

  10. I am reading Sreadderman the series and i would want to be Nolan because he is really smaaaaaart.

    1. Why is he really smart? What does he do or say that demonstrates that characteristic?

    2. Nolan is smart because he takes time of from recess just to learn!He demonstrates this by being a 49 reading level with some other kids only at 8!-Flash

  11. I am reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid the 'Long Haul'. I think I would be Greg Heffley because he is always learning a new experience in every book! My favorite book is the 'Long Haul' because he has even more experiences than any book like the one that Greg fed a seagull a cheese curl and it wanted more than Greg tried tossing him an other cheese curl and missed than the seagull went in the car to get the cheese curl than the seagull missed the exit and freaked out in Greg's car. Leon

  12. I read the book rump.And I want to be rump because he is incredible and bold and talented.He is also serene pure witty grand and cheery.he is really tender and tidy and jumbo amiable and he is also peaceful and fresh and impartial those are all the things that i think of rump.

    1. This is a great book.I hope you are enjoying this book.-Flash

    2. I have read that book to!! The book is great !! I would be rump too.I was amazed that he found his aunts. I hope you like the book.-Valentina

    3. those were some great adjectives! ~ANJELICA

    4. I have read rump theres lots of good and bad things happening i hope you like too -Jake

    5. I've heard of that book and was thinking about reading it. Now I'm desperate to read it because of this blog!


  13. I am currently reading Athlete VS Mathlete. I want to be Russle Evens. I want to because he is super smart at science and is raelly good at basketball. who would not want to be good at those. ~ANJELICA

    1. it seems fun to read that book. I think that it would be cool also to be great at both of those things. looks like a great book to read, oh by the way great response. ~ronald

    2. Cool that sounds that a very good book.I would want to read it.Great response.-Becky

    3. I want to read it so bad because I like how there is a boy vs.boy.-Becky

    4. I like your response!-Cassandra

  14. I'm reading Poppy by Brian Floca. The character I would like to be is Ereth the porcupine. I would like to be him because he has quills and they are very cool. If I had quills I would never get hurt because I would use them to protect myself. I wouldn't let anyone take my quills like Ereth did in the book. He gave Poppy a quill to use as a sword.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I like Kolby's choice, I'll pick Ereth the porcupine too because I can protect myself. It'll be weird to be friends with a mouse when you're a porcupine but it is nice of Ereth to give Poppy a quill but I would admit I still wouldn't give Poppy my quill to use as a sword too.-Leon

    3. That will be so cool to use a quill as a sword I would like to check that out!!!


  15. I am reading Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck. If I could be any character in the book I would choose to be Louise. She is so much like me! She likes mice because she is a mouse. I like mice too. We are both the youngest sister. We both fight with our sisters a lot. And we both love adventure.


    1. That sounds like a great book Shnowa!! Is the book good? I have it and if you recommend it I will probably read it too.-Valentina

    2. Sounds great! I would also be that character!


    3. The book is EXTREMELY great! I suggest that you read Secrets at Sea, even though I am not even halfway through the book is freaky interesting. From the start I knew it was going to be great because I have four epic mice.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Please spell out money. Make sure you're writing entries that you would want to turn in for a grade. :)

    2. That sounds like a great book . I want to read it so badly. I have heard great things from people.! ~ Emma

    3. This book so good, it is one of my favorite books. I could not stop reading. I think I am like Owen because he likes basketball and I like basketball to.
      - Rachel

  17. I just finished reading Out of my Mind. If I could be any character in this book I would be Butterscotch. He gets to live life great and help around the house, kinda. He also is VERY good at comforting the family. He always lays down on the ground , right next to everyones feet. I wish I could be as comforting as Butterscotch because he is sooooooooo kind to Melody, Penny, Mom, Dad and Mrs. V.

    - Emma

    1. I hear that's a really good book.


    2. I want to read this book so bad. You have told me a lot about it and makes me want to read even more. I am going to check it out in the library next week. I can not wait to read it. - Rachel

    3. I'm reading the same book too.So far I love it.I'm almost done with it.There is so much happening where I'm at.Great response b the way. - Emma Kay ;)

  18. I'm reading The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder. If I could any character, I would be Laura because she is a. She is adventurous because she went out with Pa because the hay needed to get cut instead of staying inside with Ma. She reminds me of myself because she has to take care of her sisters(Mary,Carrie,Grace). In the book Laura makes you feel like your there. An other reason I like Laura is that in a blizzard she never let go of Carries hand. Some people would let go and run ahead.

    1. In the long winter I would also be Laura I have read a little bit of it. Im still reading it. Laura is very unique as well.

    2. Wow great response.I love how you ended it.The whole paragraph made me want to read it.Great job once again. - Emma Kay ;)

  19. In my story, The Name of This Book Is Secret, I would like to be Max-Ernest because he has an interesting life and he is like Cass. The only difference is that Cass is more risky than Max-Earnest. If I were Cass, I would be in danger! Max-Earnest is more held back and he is a really cool guy.


  20. I am reading the Witchy Worries of Abbie Adams and the character I would be is Abbie because she is a witch and can freeze time and in that time I could do what ever I want. Also that Abbie has a cat and her cat was actually Thomas Jefferson!
    -Daisy ;D

    1. that sounds like a good book. I think a book about witches that could freeze time would be fun to read.

    2. the one above that is ronald

    3. That sounds like a book I would want to read! - Bob

  21. I'm reading Out of my mind by Sharon M Draper. If I could switch places with a character in my book it would be Melody. I would be Melody because she's soooooooooo smart that she even made it into a special geek team!

    1. Really, because I wouldn't want to be her. Because she can't move or talk or anything like that. i would want to be Butterscotch.

    2. Edit:
      I'm reading Out of my mind by Sharon M Draper. If I could switch places with anyone in my book it would have to be Conner. I would want to be him because He seems to be a good friend to everyone even the people that don't have all of the abilities that we do.

  22. I am reading Out of My Mind by: Sharon M Draper. I wish I could be Melody because she has disabilities which will make her a stronger person on the inside. Her classmates could make fun of her,laugh, and tease her. She may feel down,but she will always find a way to see sunlight.Before I read this book I thought I couldn't do very cool things, but imagine if you couldn't talk,walk, move your arms, and play with your friends. Please reply and tell me how you would feel if that was happening to you. - Emma Kay ;)

  23. Great comment, Emma Kay. I think it would be very tough to live without the ability to express one's feellings or thoughts. Melody is an inspirational character!

  24. Great response Emma Kay!! I can't imagine living like Melody. In my opinion it would be very sad if that happened to somebody we know. We should be thankful that were okay. Don't you think?

  25. Out of my mind sounds like a great Emma Kay right after I am done with rump I will deftly read that book. By the way i love your response. iggy

  26. If i were a character i would be Owen in the book Athlete vs Mathlete by W.C. Mack The main characters are Russel the Mathlete and Owen the Athlete


  27. ========
    I'm reading Deep Zone By:Tim Green.I would hate to be Thane because three Ravens players all smash him all at once.people were all asking questions all at the same time EX: Did he catch it?Did he get in?. The nerve in the knee[pressure is the doctor goal].

  28. I am reading Mathlete V.S Athlete. If I could be any character it would be Russell, because Russell is really smart and being smart is really good and i would be real good at Basketball and if you are smart and sporty you can be an NBA player at games and when you don't have a game you can work and get a lot of $$$$$$. Then you will live a great life> That is why I would like to be Russel. ------------> #TIM<------------

    1. I like your book that you are reading because you gave me some good descriptions about your favorite character, Russel. He also might be a good character if I read the book that you are reading.


  29. I am reading The 26-Story Treehouse by Andy Griffths.If I could be a character in the book I would be Terry because he eats.He loves ice cream like me.Read this book!-Cassandra

  30. I would like to be Annie from the magic tree house because she find clues easliy with jack and I also like her because Annie is smart and i think she makes a good team with jack because they know when morgan or someone sends another person to let them know that the tree house is there. -Lilly

  31. I would be Abbie from the Witchy Worries of Abbie Adams because she is a witch ,but not very good at it,and also she is pretty good at solving little mysteries. She's loyal funny and she's really good at acting in plays.The thing mostly like is that she can freeze time,erase part of someone's memory,and finally go back in time and zap herself anywhere in the world.


    1. If I were to read that book, I would probably like the witch, too. I like her ability to freeze time. Your description of her interests me a lot. Thank you.


  32. I have read out of my mind too and I think that you had a great response Emma K I really don't know how it feels to have disabilities but I do believe that you should always believe in yourself.

  33. I liked your response Kolby and I can imagine having spikes on my back that would be really nice

  34. I dont think he is that good at baseball Manning but is hummorous and lucky because he gets to be on national TV.


  35. I love your response Emma Kay. I enjoyed all of the wonderful facts and I could definitley see how you wanted to be that character in Out Of My Mind. I could tell that you enjoy what you are reding and with all of the great details in your response you pursuaded me to want to read Out Of My Mind.


  36. I love your response Shnowa. It look like a amazing book. When ever I have free time I will promos you I will read that book.


  37. I love reading these. I am so proud of all of you, and I think we have inspired one another to read new books. Great job, class!

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.
