Monday, November 10, 2014

Reading Log

Today, I want you to write about the book you are currently reading at home. You will write at LEAST a paragraph about what you like or dislike about the book. Keep it school appropriate, and be detailed in your response.

**Remember to say what the book is called and who the Author is!
For example: I am reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain.



Get to it pioneers!!


  1. I am reading.... And I like it because...

  2. I am reading at home Swindle by Gordon Korman. I like this book because in away it is kind of a prank but not exactly. and I like pranks. I do not like this book because it is kind of boring to sit through and read part of the book that tells about getting their group together to steal the babe ruth card back from s. windell palomino. and part of it is that I have seen the movie which is a lot like the book so I already know what going to happen but according to my librarien the book is always better ~Ronald

  3. I am reading a book called The Right Fight.It is a very good book.I love this book because it is based on a true war and has very good language for me.Its like the book came to me from the sky!!!!There is a series and i am reading the first book.So far it is good.This book is good for people who like History.It is by Chris Lynch.-Flash

  4. I am reading Out of my Mind by Sharon Draper. I like how Melody made the quiz team. But Claire and Molly are soooooooooooooo mean to Melody. On TV Claire said that she loved Melody and that they were really good friends. She lied. On the way to Washington the team "forgot" to tell Melody that their flight was canceled and they went early. So Melody didn't get to go to Washington. She is sooooooo mad.

    - Emma

  5. I am reading The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare. I like this book because its adventures and interesting. Right now in my book Matt is in the woods by himself because his dad is going to get the mom and the sister, because the mom is having a baby so somebody has to watch the cabin and other stuff so everything is in good shape. I love this book so far. - Rachel

  6. I am reading the book witches by Ronald Dahl.What i like about the book is that you can come up with a name for the little boy because he dose not have one.I also like that the book has a lot of detail so if there is no picture you can image one really clearley. My favorite thing about the book is that when the witches say a word with a W they so it with a Y. -Lilly

    1. Roald Dahl was one of my favorite authors growing up. Great post!

  7. Skinny Bones by: Barbara Park

    I like this book because I like pitching. TJ and Alex play one of my favorite positions in baseball: Pitching. Alex and TJ have a lot of pitching duels. - Manning

  8. I am reading the sisters grimm book 2 by Michale Buckly.I like this book because it has so many cool adventures in the book.the book has so many details its hard not to read more.the boo k is about these two girls sabrinia and daphene who fight crime in fairy port landing.the two girls lived there lives as orfanes.but one day they get adopted by these very weird people but they find out this is their journey.I hope you will read this book.

  9. I am reading Athlete vs Mathlete by:W.C.Mack
    I like the book because there is sports and math included in the book that I both like.I recommend the book to all of you.

  10. oops i forgot to put my name the one above me is mine :) -Bennet

  11. I am reading at home the lemonade war by Jacqueline Davies.I liked how they talk about lemonade and I love lemonade.Also I like how the little girl which her her name is Jessie and the older boy which he's name is Evan how they don't get along often.Also I like how I can see the picture's in my mind.-Becky

  12. Book Name: Dragon Breath
    When Fairies Go Bad

    Author: Ursula Vernon

    Its a book were you never know whats gonna happen next you go to sitting down to kicking butt. theres two lizards and one cool dragon were they have amazing adventures you probably have not went on im almost done the book, I wonder whats gonna happen at the end. I hope you and all your friends read this amazing book I'm sure you will love it


  13. Hello my name is Curtis. I am reading the Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules, by Jeff Kinney. I like this book because it is fun. My favorite part is when Greg gets into trouble for being silly. What I don't like is when Rodrick is being mean to Greg.

  14. I am reading Diary Of A Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney. I like this book because it's a very funny book. What I read so far is awesome. Manny, Greg's little brother, won a prize for guessing a hog's weight and his prize is a real baby hog. Greg's dad wasn't really a good sport about it. What I don't like about this book is Greg he is kind of greedy and selfish, and by kind of I mean Greg is really greedy and selfish because he only thinks about himself and he only wants himself to have a good future.- Leon

  15. hi my name is chistian.i am reading the strange case of origami is kinda like a diary of wimpy kid it is awesome.

  16. I'm reading Out of my mind by Sharon M Draper. Melody is in a regular class with the rest of the kids in room H-5. There are two kids named Claire and Molly are being sooooo rude to Melody! The only true friend is named Rose. One day Rose goes to an aquariam with Melody's family and they run into Claire and Molly. And they start being rude to Rose for going with Melody's family. But then Melody's mom starts being rude to Claire in front of everyone because she was being rude to Rose. - BOB

  17. I'm reading A Cheese-Colored Camper by Geronimo Stilton. I like this book because Geronimo is a mouse and he is on a long road trip with his family on the way to Ratzikistan. On the way he and his family stopped for a rest and Geronimo got tricked by his sister and got lost in the forest. Later he found his family and told them the right directions to Ratzikistan.
    - Kolby

  18. I'm reading The Witchy Worries of Abbie Adams and I liked it because Abbie and her family have finally found that Tom their cat was actually Tomas Jefferson who got morfed into a black cat. Also they called a witch doctor and that doctor is the person who turned Tom into a cat.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I read the poem i give up by Izzy Dix. I like it because it rhymes and i love when things rhyme.I also like it because it asks the audience some questions like what have i done wrong or do you see him. I think that is really unique. Something else that i like about the poem is that it tells you what to do like don`t let theme see you or don`t show them that your weakened.I think that is really amazing .Iggy

  21. I am currently reading Out of my mind by Sharon M Draper. what I like about this book is that it always says show not tell sentences. I also like that the setting takes place at school, because who does not like school? I also like that the author writes a BOLD paragraph on what the chapter is going to be about. ~ANJELICA

  22. The book I am reading is the House of Hades. I liked it because two people called Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase are in the heart of Tartarus. They are fighting off bad people with smoke coming from them.


  23. I am reading The Long Winter. The author is Laura Ingalls Wilder. This book is in the little house on the prairie series. Whats happening in my book is Laura's family moves to town because of a blizzard. There is a school near by the house they are renting. Mary, the oldest sister, can't go because she is blind, Carrie, another sister, and Laura go to school. After a weak of school, there were strong winds that brought another blizzard. Mr. Foster came to guide the children out of the blizzard. The blizzard was as bad as the one the family endured in Minnesota. Cap the teachers son went another way to town. Carrie and Laura couldn't see and could barely walk. Finally they got home. Laura and Carrie sat by the stove and they all drank a cup of ginger tea. - Valetina

  24. I like that book because every chapter is a bit related to the other so you have a main picture of what is happening. I have no dislikes for the book. Highly recommed the entire series. - Valentina

  25. I am reading The Name of This Book Is Secret by P. Bosch. I like this book because it has a series of 5 books. I'm reading the 1st book in the series. I like that the book is a mystery story. The 2 main characters are Casandra and Max-Ernest. They are kids who are a little strange and unusual because Cass carries a backpack everywhere she goes to survive. Max-Earnest has parents that the mom lives on 1 side and the dad lives on the other. Max-Ernest lives in both. I'm more than half way through the book and I'm not sure how it is going to end, which I like.


    1. Not knowing how a book is going to end, is always thrilling. Sometimes, it is hard not to read the back pages! Keep it up!

    2. I've read this book, it is good and really funny and i think Max Earnest's parents are weird.

  26. Wow.Thank you so much for this book club book Ms. Golden.Out of my Mind by:Sharon M Draper is very interesting.It is about a girl named Melody with disabilities.She can't speak,move or do anything we can.Although her thumbs are PERFECT!!!She has a friend named Rose and a sister named Penny who do not have disabilities.Luckily now she can communicate a lot better with just one click.Happy reading - Emma Kay

    1. Whenever a student loves what he or she is reading, I am happy! Good post, Emma Kay.

  27. I am reading Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck. This book is about 4 mice who share a house with humans. They live in a hole in the wall and wear clothing. The characters in this story are Helen, Louis, Beatrice and Louise. The family learns that their humans are sailing to Europe.

    I like this book because the problem starts right away. The problem is that the mice eat the humans food and they won't have anything to eat when the humans move. The mice love the cook because she leaves cornbread behind the stove for them to eat.


  28. I am reading "The Mouse and the Motorcycle'' by Beverly Cleary. this book is about a mouse named Ralph who lives in a cheesy, budget motel. Keith (a kid who is staying at this motel) plays with a fake toy motorcycle which is the perfect size for Ralph. Ralph discovers the motorcycle and wants to ride it.

    I like this book because it is a just right skill level for me.


  29. Today I read Mathlete V.S Athlete. I Read about how Russel the mathlete ( the brains but really really really bad at sports ) made it past tryouts because of his magical shoes, but Owen ( the athlete but so so at sports ) got really jealous and didn't complement Russell. Even though Russell didn't want to make the tryouts > He was really happy for some reason. He was forced to tryout because the coach of the basketball team made him. So he had to miss 1 of his Masters of the Mind meting. ----------------> TIM <----------.

    1. fixed version of what's above.

      Today I read Mathlete V.S Athlete. I Read about how Russel the mathlete ( the brains but really really really bad at sports ) made it past tryouts because of his magical shoes, well Russell thinks they are magical, but Owen ( the athlete but average at school ) got really jealous and didn't complement Russell and didn’t talk about basketball like he usually . Even though Russell didn't want to make the tryouts > He was really happy for some reason. He was forced to tryout because the coach of the basketball team made him. So he had to miss 1 of his Masters of the Mind meting. ----------------> TIM <----------.

  30. If I were a character in a book, I would be the grandpa in the 14th Gold Fish written by Jennifer L. Holm. I picked him because he is a smart scientist that never gives up trying to get his experiment to work. The experiment made him younger, and he tries to make other people younger as well, but he can't get it in his possession. The cops are gaurding it, and they don't let him near it because he is so young.
    They don't recognize him. He can't get to his experiment. -Hunter
