Sunday, November 2, 2014

Karankawa People

Please write two facts about the Karankawa people that you found interesting and why. Please make sure to try and write something your peers have not written yet. :-)

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  2. When the Karankawa women got married they put face paint on there face. I found that interesting. Why I found that interesting was because the human women don't put face paint on there faces anymore.


  3. The name Karankawa means dog lover. In the winter the men will break the ice to take baths. I would be part of the Karankawa tribe because I also love dogs. Leon

  4. Karankawa kids had two names; one is a nickname and the other is a magical name. Karankawa people loved dogs. I would fit in with this tribe because I love dogs.


  5. The men had to gather food and hunted while the women looked after the children, cooked the food and also kept their house. I think this is interesting because men don't have to hunt now and women don't have to always look after children and their houses. It is more shared responsibilities.

    Shelter was from long poles and animal skins. They would live near the water and they used aligator fat to stop being bitten from mosquitos. There was no airconditioning and it would have been hot and very sticky with all that aligator fat on you. Jake

  6. I find it interesting that women put paint on their face when they got married because now people don't put paint on their face when they get married. Also, I found it interesting that men used to break ice to make their bathes because now people don't break ice to make their bathes. Becky

  7. It was very interesting. The Karankawa lived in the coastal plains region. The men got the food and water and the women did the chores and cooking. Joe

  8. I liked learning about the burning of the dead people and eating of their ashes. I think it is cool that we live where they first lived. --Flash

  9. I think it is cool that the tribe has two chiefs instead of one.Although I did think it was a little strange that they drink their family's ashes after they have passed away.Also when I found out that Karankawa means dog I was so surprised.One thing that is surprising is that I am American Indian except I am related to a tribe named the crows.I hope thiswas informational.

  10. I would eat anything to servive really-Christian

  11. I liked how when someone died in your family you drank there ashes and that woman got painted on when they got married. -- Tia

  12. The first fact I liked was when they ran out of food, they ate bear fat. I did not know you could eat bear fat. The second fact is they used alligator grease for mosquito repellent. I thought you had to gather lots of ingredients to make mosquito repellent. I hope you liked my facts. by Cassandra

  13. I think it is pretty cool that the Karankawa's were located so close to Houston.
    That is so cool!! I also liked learning about how they made boats out of trees. I could never do that... -Rachel

  14. I thought it was interesting that Karankawas had two chiefs as a government, a civil chief and a war chief. Also Karankawa means dog lovers so the Karankawa people love dogs.
    - Daisy :-)

  15. I thought it was cool that the Karankawa's had two chief that both had a different job to do because I always thought that a chief's only job was to boss other people around.------Bob

  16. I thought it was interesting that the Karankawas used alligator grease as insect repellent and that the bows that they used to hunt were as tall as a man.


  17. I thought it was interesting that the Karankawas ate alligator and cannibalized people as punishment. I also liked that they were dog lovers!


  18. I thought it was cool because the Karankawans had two chiefs and lived in groups of 30 or 40 instead of families.


  19. I thought it was interesting how the karankawas used alligator grease as repellent!


  20. I also thought it was interesting that Karankawa means Dog Lover.


    1. And that they use alligator grease as insect repellant.


  21. I like how the Karankawa had 2 chiefs , a war chief and a civil chief. It was smart because 1chief wouldn't get stressed

    I also thought how they used alligator juice for mosquito repellent. I liked it because it was interesting and disgusting because they killed an alligator then used the juice for repellent. Tim

  22. In the summer the band would split into smaller groups and go looking for food on the islands. I think this is interesting because of instead of laying there waiting for food to come they went and looked for it.

    The Karankawa used willow saplings and animal skins to make huts. I think this is interesting because they improvised and took what they had to make huts for shelter.


  23. they hunted deer,bear and other large animals if they saw berry they would eat them and they would eat aligators

  24. one of the most interesting yet, discusting fact was how when a person dies there family drinks there ashes. this was interesting to me because not that that I have known, Americans don't do that. the other fact was how karankawas ate whatever they found.-CINDY LOU

  25. I think when the girls get married they get paint on their faces its cool because now we don't do that.also they drink ashes when a family member dies.lindsey

  26. i thought that when the Caddo had mohawked shaped hair it looked cool that seemed interesting too!


  27. i think that the caddo tribe has so many cool is that the cad do boys have mow hawks.also the girls wear buns.and its intresting that both tribes put paint on themselves.lindsey

  28. I think that there clothes were cool and how the houses looked like a beehive. ps-Emily

  29. Hi I am Curtis and my facts are:

    The Caddo language is at risk to disappear because kids are not learning anymore.

    The Caddos know how to make dugout,canoes but they prefer to travel by land.

  30. Their bows and arrows are just the basic stuff. How did the farmers get all the materials to make their hoes and spades.

    -- Joseph

  31. ...just the basic stuff but its still good.

  32. The Camanche used bows,arrows and shotguns as weapons and that seemed interesting to me

  33. The Lipan Apache followed and hunted buffalo for food that was interesting as well.

    -Bennet P.S. the one above me is also mine :)

  34. Camanche :I think its cool that they use bows and arrows to kill their food.also the lip an Apache:I think its cool that they hunt horses all the tribes we studied did not eat horses.

  35. I liked that the comache had a different life style then the apache

    apache: is very cool because they only haunt buffalows

  36. The Caddos did not live in Tepees. They lived in cool beehive shaped grass huts. they were farmers, but they were best know for their pottery,

  37. The spanish never liked the Karankawa tribe. Also they LOVED dogs and I LOVE dogs.

  38. Also the family had to eat the ashes of the family members that died. #ewwww

  39. Dogs were very important to the Karankawa tribe and Karankawa means Dog Lover.

  40. The Jumanos shaved their heads except for the front and that seemed interesting why they shaved their heads but why not the front?


  41. i think its cool that they put tattoos on with fruit. also how they shaved their heads.-lindsey

  42. I thought that the tribe was cool because they made there tattoos with fruit

  43. I liked how they ate what ever they could get and how they used hollow tree trunks to make conuse--John

  44. The puebloan Jumanos lived in a place more like an apartment than a tepee. They were made with mud bricks, and an entire family could live in one room. Some were even two story.-Hunter
