Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Figurative Language

Hello Pioneers,

Tonight you are going to find two examples of figurative language from the book you are reading at home (after 25 minutes of reading). 

Here is a reminder of what figurative language definitions we have learned in class


Here is an example of what I am looking for in tonight's response.
Hello, I am reading the book "A Nest for Celeste" by Henry Cole. 

1. Page 19 "The first rat, Illiana, had small, narrow-set eyes like a pair of black peppercorns and a tongue like a lancet."  (SIMILE) This means that her eyes were very small and dark like a peppercorn. Also, her tongue was shaped thin with a sharp end.


Isn't figurative language fun!


  1. BAM!!!!!! Matt just shot a bear. Onamonapia, he just shot a bear.
    The bear was as big as three regular sized bears. Simile, the bear was so big.
    - Rachel

  2. 1. Crackle! Crackle! screamed the machine, as steam raced out of it in to the bee hive. Onomatopoeia This means that the machine is very loud.
    2. That guy is as annoying as a fly in your ear! Simile this means that he is very annoying.

  3. BOOM as the bomb went off like lightning! That is a Simile i found in a book i was reading.The house was blue,black and bad to me. That was alliteration by the way.


  4. 1.All Jason heard was a Boom
    2.Jason is in trouble like a pig getting thrown into mud.

    1. What type of figurative language are those sentences?

  5. 1.AH AH AH a ghost a ghost every buddy run for your life run. This is Onomatopoeia.
    2. THE GHOST WAS SCARY AS A DOLL COMING TO LIFE. I will never go camping ever in my life. This is a simile.


  6. 1. Jesica is so nice like a bumble bee.
    2.Her brother is mean like an wasp.-Becky

    1. What types of figurative language are those sentences?

  7. I am reading Kingdom of Fantasy. By: Geronimo Stilton
    1. Page 14-15: A scent of sweet roses as if somebody was cooking a cheese cake. (Simile)
    2. Page 7: Suddenly, a bolt of lightning almost hit my tail. Zzt! Zzzzzt! Zzzt! (Onomatopoeia)
    - Leon

    1. Excellent job, Leon. You read the directions :-)

  8. I am reading Rump. One is her cheecks were round and red as a apple. And they say NO a lot!!

  9. I'm reading Four Mice Deep in the Jungle by Geronimo Stilton.
    1. Like robots, we picked up our spoons and ate. (Simile, page 64)
    2. Then he shoved it in his mouth and chewed it up. Crunch crunch crunch! (Onomatopoeia, page 68)

  10. 1. the cat said follow me [personification] because cats can not talk.
    2. a shadow, thick and solid as a pool of oil raced after them from the edge of the forest [personification] because shadows can not chase after you. and personification means giving human characteristics to a made up creature or something that can not do that characteristic.

  11. I am reading Athlete VS Mathlete.
    metaphore: I put the nail in Arthur's coffin.
    Metaphore :Our brains were warmed up for the judges.~ANJELIKA

  12. crackle,crackle,crackle~onomatpoeia

  13. Hyperbole:
    I am so hungry I could eat the whole forest!
    SNAP!!! the rope fall's with my friend falling in terror


  14. I am reading Platypus Police Squad. There is Talking animals like elephants, cheetahs platypuses and lots more so that is personification. There are also lots of similes, one of them is People in Wallaha must have money to burn. the simile was cash to burn, it means people in the city of Wallaha have lots of money to spend. Tim

  15. allieration: thump,thump,thump
    hyperbole:I sat in the mine, swirling mud around in a pan,searching for gold

  16. Hyperbole--"Well there's one about halfway down its belly. Just unzip it and empty out the contents." Terry and Andy were talking about operating on a shark. Alliteration--"It's Captain Woodenhead's wooden head." They found it in the shark. Cassandra

  17. One hyperbole is: Savannah threw open the door.
    Another hyperbole is: "I'm going to squeeze all the money out of that shaggy mutt."
    - BOB!

  18. I am reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul. I found a Onomatopoeia : SCREAMMM!! next to one of the pictures page 24. I found a Hyperbole:
    "One thing it did was give me a deathly fear of bulletin boards"


  19. I am reading the Witchy worries of Abbie Adams and I found a onimonapia that was CRASH!Also I found a idiom that was there was a heap of ants in my pants.

  20. I am reading The Name of This Book Is Secret.
    (Figurative language will be in CAPS)
    The elixir had a ZESTY,ZINGY,ZIPPY sort of flavor, and it gave her a bit of a head rush.
    "The pale blue dust you see is pollen from a flower that blooms only at the elevation of eleven thousand feet and only after a very long winter," she said about the topping on a roll that looked LIKE a powdered donut but which was anything sweet.

  21. I am reading The mouse and the Motorcycle. I found a otomonapia and similie.

    1. I felt as lucky as a king. (pg.52)

    2."VVVRRROOOOOOMMMM!" (pg.48)


  22. #1 is a similie and #2 is a otomonapia


  23. I am reading Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck.

    1. "My stomach rose and fell" is an idiom.
    2. "I said in a voice gone weak as water" is a simile.


  24. I read Out of My Mind by: Sharon M. draper
    1."My stomach did a flip flop" is an idiom
    I am reading The Fourteenth Goldfish
    2." it's like his life has been frozen in time"is a simile
