Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Text-to-Text Connection

Hello Pioneers,

Tonight you are going to write about a text-to-text connection you made with the book you are currently reading to a book you have read before. Please write at least 3 sentences

Next, please find a word you don't know in your book and define it.

Please do all parts of the assignment!

Get to it, Pioneers! :)


  1. The book that I'm reading is "George's Marvelous Medicine". My text-to-text connection is George's Marvelous Medicine and Diary of Wimpy Kid. They both have two young boys that handle situations in a unusual way. In George's Marvelous Medicine, George is trying to make a medicine to make his grandmother nicer because she is very rude and mean to him. In Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Greg wants to spend summer indoors but his mother wants Greg to be an outdoor person and he struggles to fit in.
    The word that I don't know is disobedient which means someone who refuses to obey.


  2. The book I am reading is called 'The Lost Hero' by Rick Roardan.My text to text connection is 'One Dead Spy' because in the lost hero,Jason is on a quest to save Hera the queen of the gods.And in one dead spy,Nathan Hale is on a quest also,to save his country.The word I don't know is a satyr witch is part man part goat.


    1. What an interesting word! Good connection too!

  3. I relate to How I Survived Middle School,Bullies,Broccoli,And Snake Hill. I am going to camp this year, and I don't know who will be in my cabin. It makes me feel nervous and scared just like Rafe felt going to camp.

    infirmary-a place in a large institution for the care of those who are ill. A hospital.


  4. The book i am reading is mountain dog by: margrita engle.My text to self is Gabe the dog in the story helps tony the boy in the story figuar out where to go and what to do and my dog harley does the same thing.The word have truble on is modren and it means just ordernary.~Becky

  5. the book I am reading is called on the run , chasing the falconers. this book relates to swindle because there are a few kids who are trying to run away from someone and try to do things that include steeling things and possibly end up in juvy. the characters in my book are trying to run away and are in juvenile because of bad things that they have done. this book just kind of reminds me of swindle because they are both trying to do things that aren't the best things to do. the word that I did not know is ...

    Chafing = sore rubbing against skin

    1. Great job! Through your detailed response I can see how you came up with your connection.

  6. I am reading the book Deaf Smith. My text-text connection is that like when deaf was scouting its like in baseball,basketball, and football you always scout to see how good they are. The word I chose was the word gumption and that means shrewd or sprinted initiative and resourcefulness.
    - Aaron Rodgers

    1. Gumption is a great vocabulary word! What book did you connect your current book with?

  7. I am reading a book called Big Bad Ironclad the author is Nathan Hale. My text-text connection is a civil war and there's stuff not true there's also other stuff true. The word i chose was ironclad it means, a 19th-sentury warship with armor plating.


    1. Are you saying that in Nathan Hale's story you found false information because you read the Civil War book?

  8. Title:Manhunt
    Author:Kate Messner
    The book I am reading these days is "Manhunt."Today we were assigned to make a text to self connection with our book.This is my connection.Henry thought a man down the street was his dad,but it was not . He looked very mean and old .That happened to me but with a woman.
    A word in my book that was hard was glimpse.The definition of glimpse is a brief, passing look,or veiw.


  9. I am reading Time Out by W.C. Mack. My text to text connection is The Lemonade war because they both have to overcome a challenge. In Time Out they have to beat this really good team to be in the play offs and keep their winning streak going. In The Lemonade War they have to raise money by doing a lemonade stand. Their is 2 teams and battle who gets more money. In the part I read the hardest was probably be hypnotized I knew what it was I just forgot what it meant. The definition is to frighten or startle so that movement is impossible. -Rachel

    1. Great connections. I have heard positive comments on both books that you have read (or reading).

  10. I'm reading Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan. It connects to the book Rump because in both books the main character suffers a loss of a parent.They also connect because they are both are going on a journey to find their "destiny" and for a better life,but Rump returns and is happier. I didn't know the word irritable: easily annoyed and angry.

  11. The book that I'm reading is "Rain Reign". My text-to-text connection is from "Because Of Winne-Dixie" because both of the girls' moms left them, also, they both have a dog that either themselves or their dad found it for them.
    In "Rain Reign", poor girl, her mom left her so it's just her and her dad. Years ago Rose's dad was at The Luck of The Irish and he found a dog around back. Hurricane Susan is hitting and once it ends Rose's dad lets Rain, her dog, out to go to the restroom. Now Rain is missing, no one knows where Rain is. Rose and her uncle are searching for Rain. Will they ever find her?
    in "Because of Winne-Dixie", Opal's mom leaves her and her dad a few years later Opal finds a dog at Winne-Dixie Supermarket, she keeps her and names her after the supermarket. Opal's dad doesn't want the dog but Opal talks him into it.
    Both of these books are great! expecially Rain Reign!

    I didn't know what Asperger's syndrome ment. Children with Asperger syndrome can think well and learn about lots of things as easily as other children, but they have problems when they try to communicate with others, with social skills and with their behaviour. Asperger syndrome is sometimes called an 'Autism spectrum disorder' because in some ways it is a bit like autism.


    1. Wow- excellent response Emma. You will have to read this to the class!!

  12. I am reading The Vanishing Coin and it relates to Ungifted because both kids in the story aren't very smart and they both do something wrong at some

    point in the story.Mike is the character in The Vanishing Coin and he always get sent to the principals office . -bennet

  13. I am reading Diary of a Wimpy The Last Straw by Jeff Kinney. My text to text connection is Rump because Greg and Rump don't get what they want but they find a solution to some of their problems. Rump finds a solution for people finding out he can make gold by stuffing the gold under his bed.Greg found a solution for climbing up the hill by getting a piggyback-ride from his friend Rowley. The word l didn't know was estuary, it means the tidal mouth of a large river, where the tide meets the stream.


  14. The book i'm reading is Goosebumps 'Beware the Snowman' and my text to text connection is Goosebumps 'Night of the Living Dummy' because both of the main characters hear people talk about some scary events happening that they want to figure out. In Beware the Snowman the main character hears people say to not go on a mountain because of a snowman in a cave up there but she doesn't know what it means and nobody is telling her. And in the Night of the Living Dummy everybody tells the main characters friends to not go to his house because it is cursed and he too wants answers but nobody's telling him anything of what he wants to know. And the word I don't know is sneering, it means to smile or speak in a contemptuous or mocking manner.- Leon

  15. the book I am reading is " Walls Within Walls. " and I connect this book to 39 clues because:
    1: they are both mystery books
    2: they both have a treasure hunt
    3: they don't want people to know about the treasure hunt

    In " Walls Within Walls " 3 kids find out that a very rich man named MR. Post used to live in their apartment. when one day they see something in the wall they realize his money is hidden so they have to go on a secret treasure hunt with the help of a surprising friend to get the money. this is a great mystery book and I think everyone should read it!
    39 clues is about 2 kids who are competing in a family competition for a secret prize for whoever gets to it has to be a complete secret even from the kids baby sitter \ guardian! with secrets and sabatouges who will win the race. Find out in Rick Rioradin's 39 clues!

    the word I did not know was inheritance. this word means something that is or may be handed down to a person at someone elses death. After reading this definition and the word I think that in the book the 4 of them are looking for MR. Post's INHERITANCE.
    these are both great books and I defintly recommend them ;)


  16. I am reading the Mouse with the Question Mark Tail by Richard Peck. My connection in this book was that we both get a lot of comments about our height. The mice tell the mouse with the question mark tail that he is the smallest mouse in the Royal Mews Stable. I get told that I am extremely tall.


  17. I am going to use my homework pass. Miguel

  18. I'm reading "Who could that be at this hour?" by Lemony Snicket. This book relates to the A to Z mysteries because they are both mysteriey related books. The word I didn't know is dawdling, it means to take more time than nessesary.


  19. The book I am reading rite now is the Kill Order by James Dashner.My Text-To-Text connection is during the book the main character,Mark, Does flashbacks from the previous year or two.In the Scorch Trials the main character ,Thomas, does flasbacks from the previous ten or nine years ago.So both of the characters share memories from the previous years or years.
    The word I chose to define is "inflicting".The sentence this was in is "The flares must have been devastating, INFLICTING catastrophic damage worldwide and unleashing the heat of the sun itself." Reading that sentence I concluded that the word meant something horrible that happened or will happen.It really means to impose as something that must be Borne or suffered .
    -Emma Kay;-)

  20. In the first sentence I meant right.
    -Emma Kay;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)!

  21. Currently, I am reading Spellbound by Jaqulyn West. Spellbound reminded me of a series I read last year, Cam Jansen. Cam Jansen was all about mysteries, and one book was about a missing book. In Spellbound, Olive, the main character, has to find the spell book in order to help Morton, who is stuck in a painting.

    Tonight, while I was reading Spellbound, I noticed this word spelled valerian. This means an ususal fragrant, flowering plant.

    ---{~/ ALFREDO \~}---

  22. I am reading Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. Little Woman reminds me of the Laura Ingalls Wilder series.One reason I think they are a connection is because they are in the olden days and there are four children in the family in each book.One example of the olden days is that they used slates instead of chalkboards or active boards. In both stories the families share their life experiences with the reader. So far the book has been interesting and I am looking forward to seeing how the children lives progress.

    This night when I was reading little Woman , I found a word that was written like this:obliging.Obliging means to be helpful.


  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Right now, I am reading The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo. This reminds me of "Because Of Winn-Dixie,"a book also written by Kate DiCamillo. Both of these books are adventure books in some way. In both books, people find their destination-hope. Opal in "Because of Winn Dixie" hopes to find Winn-Dixie. Despereaux wants to cross over the bad rats.I am really wanting to know how the the people cross over without situations.

