Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Good Evening, Pioneers,

Tonight, you are going to write about your favorite type of lead in writing. Leads are an essential part of our writing, since leads are what grabs a reader's attention to read your writing!

Here are some examples:

Tonight, I want you to state what your favorite type of lead is and why. Then give an example of that type of lead.

**Here is an example of what I expect:

My favorite type of lead is using a quote that connects with the topic in which I am writing about. I love to use quotes, because they empower me to think about a topic or an idea in a deeper way.

Here is an example:
        “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it,” Harper Lee wrote in her honest  yet inspirational story To Kill a Mockingbird.

Remember leads should be detailed and interesting. You want to grab the reader's attention. If you're stuck on what lead to choose, just open a book! There are plenty of examples out there!

Get to work, Pioneers! :-)


  1. My favorite lead is the question lead because it makes you want to read the rest of the book and find out the answer to the question. Example: What animal has black and orange stripes, that is mean, and can injure you? -Rachel

  2. My fav. lead is because i like how it says, back when i was a little girl i was sleeping in a carreg... and i think that is a really cool lead to with if you are writting a book.And also it makes you want to read the book even more.Example:one day i was setten in a chair when grandfather said come help me with the dishs.~Becky

  3. My favorite type of hook|lead is a question hook. In my opinion, like it because of how you try to answer the question and make a perdiction. You can carry on the perdiction allthroughout the story. I also enjoy it because no matter how absurd your perdiction can be, its still a perdiction.


    Have you ever had a special pet? You know, the ones that are spies,can read peoples minds,can talk, and perdict the future. Yeah, I have a dog just like that.

    I wrote this absured lead from my mind. :)


  4. My favorite lead is the sound lead because it gets your attention when you hear something and that's the same thing with a book. Ex: BOOM! What was that? Sally asked.

    1. Sound leads are exciting! The reader is instantly placed into action!

  5. My favorite type of leads are action leads. l like action leads because action usually makes stories more interesting & fun to read.

    This an example from Cavemice by Geronimo Stilton: But a landslide of rocks crashed down blocking the exit! We were trapped!


    1. Great job, Kolby! I want to read the book now!

  6. My favorite lead is the onamonapia lead because it makes the book juicy. Example: BOOM! When I heard that I got really scared.
    - Aaron Rodgers

    1. Makes you think about where the reader is and WHY?

  7. I like leads that are scary and ones that leave you at a cliffhanger.I think there more interesting.Here is an example from the book called''When Did You See Her Last?''It is by Lemony Snicket.There was a town,and there was a statue,and there was a person who had been kidnapped.While I was in the town,I was hired to rescue this person,and I was almost thirteen and I was wrong.


    1. I agree with you! This lead/hook intrigues me. You'll have to let me know what you think of the book.

  8. I like action leads because they help me to read better,and to understand what iit is going in the story I am reading.
    Example. "So tonight after dinner when Dad started hassling me about going outside, I tried to explain how video games, you can play sports like football and soccer, and you don't even get all hot and sweaty".

    Miguel T.

  9. Onomatopoeia/sound effects are my favorite type of lead because it means something exciting is happening. You can picture almost exactly what is going on. An example in "Big Bad Iron Clad" by Nathan Hale is "CRASH!" "Did I hit anything? Whoa!" They are firing cannons at the forts. I could picture this easily with out pictures. ------------------->hunter<-------------------

  10. Onomatopoeia / Sound Leads are my favorite type of lead because it means something really exciting, or dangerous is about to happen. But my example is the total lack of noise or total silence which gives this lead importance by making it mysterious and tense. An example from the first chapter of the book called "Fart Powder - Bubble in the Bathtub" by Jo Nesbo. Lead - "There was total silence in the gymnasium. Nothing was making a sound, not the twelve sets of brown wooden climbing bars along the walls, not the old pummel horse covered in cracked leather, or the the eight gray well worn ropes hanging motionless from the ceiling or the sixteen boys and girls that made up the Dolgen School Marching band and who were now staring at conductor Madsen." ( everything is quiet )


  11. my favorite lead is a talking lead because they give you a time to stop and predict whats going to happen.Also you want to know more and you get intrested in whats happening.You also want to read the whole book(if its a bad talking lead then probably not).Most of the time talking leads are really favorite book had a talking lead and i got to stop and think about it.And i finished the book.~Lindsey

  12. The lead that I like is talking lead because your just wanting to know more and it just crabs you into the book a little more. Also for a moment your wondering well what is going on so that is another way how it just crabs you into the book. Or sometimes its just plain and funny.

    Talking lead example: "Dink would you mind passing out math papers to everyone?Mrs. Eagle asked. Oh, no a math quiz," Josh groaned.

  13. My favorite lead is a Flashback lead.In my opinion it tells what previous stories / events have happened which gives the reader a good idea of what the character is feeling.It also kind of gives the reader a good view of what has just happened to the character.Here is my example.

    In my other life there were pit bulls.
    The puppies weren't born vicious,
    but Mom taught them how to bite,
    turning meanness into money,
    until she got caught.

    This is Mountain Dog by Margarita Engle.
    - Emma Kay ; - )

  14. My favorite lead is a talking lead because it has a big kick to it. Talking leads have a lot of action right at the beginning of the book.

    example: "Quick!" Dad said "In the water!" I barley made it when a boulder was about to hit me!


  15. my favorite lead is the flashback lead because it gives you more info than a character talking from now.

    flashback example: There was a town and there was a girl and there was a theft. I was living in the town and I was hired to investigate the theft, I thought the girl had nothing to do with it. I was almost 13 and I was wrong.: Who could that be at this hour.

  16. My favorite lead is a onomatopoeia/sound lead because it makes the sentence really really exiting.EX:Jason peered in the big house to see what was really going on inside the big humongus house.


  17. My favorite lead is a question lead because it makes me want to know more about the book.Also it makes me think about what is the main idea.
    EX:Who do you admire?This was written by me.

  18. My favorite lead is a onomatopoeia because I am desperate to find out what is happening to the main character. EX:BOOM! The boulder came falling from the cliff and crashed onto the plain.


  19. My favorite lead to use in writing is the flashback lead because it tells the reader what happened before the actual story starts.

    EX:Once upon a time there were storys that had happy endings,but now everything has changed...

  20. My favorite lead is an sound lead with an action lead, because it puts a lot of really action packed, interesting things in there making it feel real and it also makes you want to read more.

    EX: KAPOW!! went the worlds most powerful superhero! As Johnny watched the superhero go down he thought in his head "Should I show my secret identity my powers, my true self !!??"

  21. My favorite lead to start with is a flashback lead because you get to know more about the main character.

    EX: I used to live a life of joy and happiness until sorrow fell across the community and that is where my story begins.


  22. My favorite lead is a flash back lead because it makes you want to wonder what the rest of the story is about. Flashback leads make you connect to the lead and make you want to read on and find out if your connection is like the stories.

    EXAMPLE:As I went by the little girl I remembered that Emilia used to be like that when she was little(I made it myself).


  23. My favorite lead is a flash back lead because after the flashback the reader want to find out what the story is about or what happened after that certain event.

    Example: It came back to me as I stared at the long, winded, and dirty road

