Monday, February 2, 2015

Character Challenges

Good Evening Pioneers,

After reading for 35 minutes, I want you to write at least 4 sentences explaining the challenges the main character of your book faced while you were reading. Make sure to be specific in your response, and to add enough details for your classmates to understand what you're talking about.


Title: Esperanza Rising
Author: Pam Munoz Ryan
Character's Challenge: After Esperanza's father passed away, she and her mother escape from Mexico to America for safety and to find a job. Not only is Esperanza faced with the challenge of living without her father, but she has to find work in one of the most challenging times in American history, The Great Depression.  Once, a wealthy vineyards daughter, is now forced to work in poorer conditions and during a challenging time in history.

Get to it, Pioneers!:)


  1. As i was reading Mckenna By:Mary Casanova, i found that when mckenna was about to do her beam roten i knew there was something fishy about how mckennas face.So i said to my self why does mckenna have a fishy face and then i keepet reading and i found that mckenna feel off the beam so hard that she brock her leg and i was so sad for mckennafor breaking her leg.~Becky

  2. Title:Woods Runner
    Author:Gary Paulsen
    Samuel and Annie are trying to find Samuels parents and they are only thirteen and nine,in the creepy woods all a lone.They are also with an old man that you can not trust,even if he saves your life.


  3. title:haunting at home plate
    by: david patneaude
    challenge: Right now Nelsons dad is on trip around the world. Nelson has been looking at his dads e-mails and he has been e-mailing his dad. He has been playing a lot of the season without his dad. They said that he will hopefully be home for the championship game if they make it that far.
    - Aaron Rodgers

  4. Title:Athlete vs Mathlete
    By:W.C. Mack
    Challenge:Right now Russel is facing a challenge if he wants to trust Owen to give Arthur peanuts to get him out of the Master of the Minds.I hope Russel does trust Owen for his evilness.

  5. Title:Emma all Stirred Up!
    Author:Coco Simon
    Characters Problem: Emma Taylor is not very happy with always rearranging her schedule to babysit her brother, Jake ,after school. Now it is summertime and Emma thinks she's free. Her parents send Emma and Jake to the same summer camp,but Emma has to babysit Jake everyday on the bus to go there. Sadly, that's not the only thing Emma has to worry about,her enimie Sydney Whiteman is going to the same camp on the same bus!

  6. Im still reading the sisters grimm by:Michale Bucky.the part I'm at is when sabrina and daphne find sabrinas teacher gone and spider webs every where.Also sabrina finds a red hand print on the window sort of like a blood texture.the mayor and sabrinas grandmother are trying to find the crime.They think it has to do with these people called the scarlet hand .thats all i read so for i love this book you should read it.~Lindsey

  7. TITLE:DragonBreath
    AUTHOR:Ursula Vernon
    CHARACTERS CHALLENGE:When I was reading my book I found out that this bully, named Big Eddy, dared this kid named Danny, and his two friends, Christiana and Wendell, to go inside a haunted house. Inside the house, Big Eddy and a ghost gave Danny some challenges. The first challenge was looking at a creepy clown face to face. The second challenge was trying to scare off bullies with loud noises, which worked. And the final challenge was trying to act like he was not scared through the whole entire thing even though he was.-Leon

  8. Title:Nightmeres

    Characters Challenge:Charlie is a middleschooler and he has really bad nightmares.He believes he is in a (nightmare land) that he can't get out of.Also he is facing a rough time by his mom dying and a step mom comes in.Charlie hates the step mom so much.


  9. Title: Geronimo Stilton Watch Your Tail
    Author: Geronimo Stilton
    Character's Challenge: After all of Old Mouse City got a stomachache, Geronimo had to go on a quest to find a potion that would cure the stomachaches. When Geronimo started towards his house, his cousin Trap asked if he could go with Geronimo and he said sure. The challenges for Geronimo were going to the Prehistoric Volcano, Wild Dinosaur Plains, Mosquito Swamp, Desert Of Giant Scorpions, Were-Bat Lair, Shifting Sands, Tiger Camp, Foggy Pass, and the Cave of Memories. At the Cave of Memories, Geronimo also had to find out what the password to get into the cave was.


  10. tittle:the lost hero
    author:Rick Riordan
    characters challenge:Jason,a thirteen year old has to face a challenge about Hera the goddess of marriage.He has tofree her for two reasons.1,because there is going to be a war soon enough.2,because Hera has Jason's memory and he really really needs it back.


  11. Title: Woods Runner
    Author:Gary Paulsen
    A challenge that Samuel had was he had to get to New York by foot with a little girl called Annie. On there way they meet an old man called Abner. They have to save Samuels parents from the British. Will they make it?

  12. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever
    Author: Jeff Kinney

    In this part of the book Greg has to deal with a blizzard with no electricity.
    When Greg discovered that it was Manny,Greg blammed it on him.
    Manny was angry at his family because no one ever taught him how to tie his shoes.
    Finally the plow clears a path and the daddy comes home.

  13. The title of the book is The School Skeleton by Ron Roy. The main challenge of the book is to find who took the nurse's skeleton. The three characters found and measured a footprint. It is eleven inches long. They are now going around and measuring other teacher's footprint to see if it matches.

  14. I am reading The Mouse with the Question Mark Tail by Richard Peck. The main character does not know his name. This is one of his challenges because everyone gives him terrible nicknames like Runt. He committed two crimes because of the other mice children. Because of these crimes he is going to have to change where he lives and hide the few things he does know about himself.


  15. I am reading Fart Powder by Jo Nesbow illustrated by Mike Lowery. It is a newbook I am reading, I am only at pg. 14. There are two main characters in my book, Lisa and Nilly they are bestfriends Nilly plays the trumpet and Lisa plays the clarinete.

    They are both in a band together and there friends with a very quirky professor name Dr. Proctor. Hes gone on an adventure to find the love of his life. They received some peculiar postcards from the doctor.

    The problem is that the doctor was writing normal postcards but the doctor is not normally normal so both Nilly and Lisa believe something is wrong with the doctor.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. In my book ''The Shadows'' by Jaquline West, the main character is Olive Dunwoody. She faces challanges allthrought the book. Right now Olive is trying to figure out two things. First she has to fugure out what is so special that makes the glasses turn the paintings into life. I'd be very suspicious about that. Secondly, olive is dying to know who all the characters are afraid of except for the gorgeous young ladie in the violet room upstairs. Olive just wants to know what ''it'' is and does to be cautious.


  18. Hi the book i'm reading is THE MARK OF ATHENA by Rick Riordan. The problem for Percy is that his friend steriked the Roman camp but it was an acident because he was posesed by a bad spiret that poseses people. The over all problem is that they have to run away from the Roman camp and find the mark of Athena. Also a very important person was capterd by titans and they only have six days to rescue him.


  19. I am reading Lisening for Lucca,by Suzanne La Fleur.The problem in my book is that Siena is trying to make' friends' because her mom asked her to and met two people her age and the kids came over to say hi and Siena thought she would not make her self look weird but she likes to collect lost things and she tryed to get a nice cilp but they thout she was weird

  20. I'm reading the Death Cure by James Dashner.Rite now Thomas and his gang have gone to Denver because of how safe it is from the Flare.The Flare is a disease where a bug stings you and you slowly go crazy,the disease spreads quickly and there is no cure.Thomas is immune and loads of people dislike immunes,they call them munies.Now Thomas needs to get out of the city and make sure their away from W.I.C.K.E.D (a.k.a the people who are trying to find a cure put together by the governments that survived the sun flares that hit Earth)and get through the existing countrys without coming across any highly infected people.
    - Emma K ; )

  21. Today i read NERDS "The Villain Virus". Right now the main character is Flinch. (Flinch has super speed and super strength. He has to save the world at least one time a week with his friends, and he is only in middle school ! ) The problem Flinch faces right now, is his new school. His new school is getting in his way of saving the world, unlike his old school. Unlike his old school, he can't get any excuses to get out of class to save the world, and that is bad. Also his world saving group wants him to lead the group, and he is doing horrible leading.

    ------------> TIM < ----------

  22. Title: The Name of This Book Is Secret
    Author: P. Bosch

    The character challenge for Cass was to uncover the secret of the symphony of smells, which were once owned by a magician. Along the way, she discovered more and more secrets. She and her new friend Max-Ernest had to solve the secrets in the magician's handbook to be able to save their classmate from dying. They were fighting for their own survival and had to challenge their brains to solve the riddles.

  23. Today I read A to Z Mysteries.
    The author is Ron Roy.

    The problem is that Dink,Josh and,Ruth Rose are visiting their friend Sammi. While their there the town bank is robbed and the police think that the bank manager and the lead foreman stole the gold that was in the bank. Now the kids are trying to find the real culprits.

