Thursday, March 5, 2015

Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)

Hello Pioneers!

Tonight you are to read the article/biography about Samuel Clemens, aka Mark Twain. Mark Twain is a beloved American Author, and has written numerous books. One of his most famous books, and one of my favorites, is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Your assignment this evening is to write 4  interesting facts about Twain; whether it be about his life, personality, choices, or books, it's up to you! You will then pick one book of Twain's that you would want to read and why. Please make sure to explain your responses.

Here is a website for more information on Mark Twain:


Get to it, Pioneers:-)


  1. One intesting thing about mark twain is the Mississippi river posed a danger to children.also another interesting thing about mark twain is it took seven years to make huckleberry finn. The third is huckleberry finn was published by his own publishing company.I want to read huckleberry finn because it sounds like its in the contry and i like the contry.~becky

  2. Four interesting facts about Mark Twain:
    1. The night he was born Halley's Comet was visible in the sky and the year he died 1910, it was also visible.
    2.He was a Confederate Soldier and retreated to Iowa to avoid fighting.
    3.He lived by the Mississippi river and had two friends that drowned in it.
    4.It took Sam 7 years to write The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

    If I was going to read 1 Mark Twain book, I would read "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer".


  3. 1~ two of his friends drowned in the Mississippi river.
    2~ when he was 9 he road the Mississippi river by him self
    3~ he went broke so he wrote articles at night and newspapers and got a few dollars
    4~ the gift he got was a grand house an own cook a maid and a horse and a carriage. I would want to read huckleberry finn

  4. When Samuel was born, he was born to early, but he survived while so many other would not have. At the age 6, Samuel (Mark Twain) spent the summer with his aunt, uncle, and eight other cousins. At the age of 9, Samuel hid on a steam-boat, and he traveled down the Mississippi river. He lived with a lot of brothers and sister. He had 4 brothers and 4 sisters. I want to read Tom Sawyer because I saw the trailer for the movie, and it looked good. Thank you for your time.

    -------------------- > HUNTER<---------------------

  5. These are four facts about Samuel Clemens:
    1.He was born small and weak, but he survived. That was strange at that time.
    2.Samuel's father was not a good business man, they moved to Missouri and bought land.
    3. Sam was trouble maker and must had lots of adventures as a kid. He wrote about his friend's adventures under name Huckleberry Finn.
    4. Samuel married a woman named Olivia Langdon and had 4 children.
    I would like to read the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn because it has been recommended to me and I like adventure stories'.


  6. 1-His friend Tom is the main character in Huckleberry Finn.
    2-The Mississippi River was posed to children that 2 of his friends drowned and he was save by 2 slaves
    3-He was a baby and was lucky to survive
    4-He risked a lot of money into the gold mines.

  7. I would also like to read Huckleberry Finn because it sounds like a good book -bennet

  8. The four interesting about mark twain is that he had four sisters and brothers.I also thought it was sad that two of his friends jumped in the mississippi river and drownded.We also thought that it was weird that he moved for his wife to get better.I thought that all of his kids died so soon.I would like to read the Adventures of huckleberry Finn.

  9. Four interesting facts about Mark Twain
    - He was born in 1835
    - Mark Twain was rich but became poor
    - Mark Twains on his cruise to Europe he met Charley Langton who had a beatiful sister name Olivia, and Mark Twain fell in love with her the first evening he spent with her and her family.
    - His wife got sick ill and died at 1904, and Mark Twain died on April 21, 1910

    I will like to read "The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer"


  10. Facts about Samuel Clemens
    1:He almost drowned in the Mississippi River by slaves,but his friends drowned.
    2:He change his name to Mark Twain.
    3:He lived in a lot of different places when he was growing up.
    4:He had his own publishing company
    If I had to read a book Mark Twains books,It would be The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn because I've herd good things about It.

  11. One cool interesting fact I read was that he was a Confederate soldier and went back to Iowa to avoid the fighting. That was a good idea. Another fact is that his friends drowned in the river but he was saved. Also, it took him 7 years to write Huckleberry Finn. That's a long time. One last cool fact is that he road on a boat on the Mississippi river by himself. Why did he do that. The book I want to read is The Adventure of Tom Sawyer because by looking at the cover it looks really adventures and fun. That's what I like!!!!! - Rachel

  12. The book that I want to read by Mark Twain is HuckleBerryFinn. The reason ,I want to read this is because it took 7 years to come out so it must be a good book and Samuel Clemens new this dude and then for like a book to right he named him huckleberryfinn.
    4 facts about Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)
    1.Wen he was born he was small and weak.
    2.He got In trouble a lot because he to places at night with friends like when they hid in a boat down the Mississippi River.
    3.most people in his family died.
    4.His father died when Samuel was only 11.

  13. While I was reading the article about Samuel Clemons I found four interesting facts about him.
    Facts:1. He was born the day Halley's Comet was visible. His mother thought this was a good sign because Samuel was born prematurely and was tiny and weak.
    2.When Samuel was a little boy he always wanted to be a riverboat pilot. When he grew older he became one for part of his life. He became rich,but eventually stopped because of the civil war. People used the river for delivering supplies to the South. His pilot days had come to an end.
    3. When Samuel was a child the Mississippi River was a big danger. Two of his friends drowned in the river ,and once he almost drowned himself,but luckily was rescued by slaves.
    4.Samuel married a women named Livy. When her father died she got a nervous breakdown. The medicine that she took for it effected her baby boy Langdon and he died. They had three other kids Susy,Clara,and Jane. In the end,Clara was sadly the only child who had lived. I would like to read one of his Huckleberry Finn books because my teacher has read it and said it was her favorite series growing up,and Samuel wrote it about his friend Tom.

  14. 1. On the night Samuel was born Halley's comet was visible in the Sky.
    2.When Samuel was a kid he enjoyed visiting with the slaves families and listen to their songs and stories.
    3.Samuel fulfilled his childhood dream to become a pilot and make good money.
    4.Samuel was awarded an honorary college degree by the Oxford University in England.

    I choose Huckleberry Finn because its Ms.Golden's favorite childhood book and I thought I might like it too.


  15. 5 facts about Samuel Clemens...

    1.He was born when Haley's Coment what visible in the night sky.
    2.He died when Haley's Comet was vsible,just like when he was born.
    3.It took Samuel 7 years to write "Huckelberry Finn".
    4.When Samuel was 11 years old,his father had died.
    The book I want to read is "Huckelberry Finn"because it is a popular book that I have not read yet and that I thought that I would like.


  16. 1. Mark Twain has 4 older brothers and sisters
    2. He travled to England and that's where he was famous
    3. Since the Mississippi River was dangouros two of sams friends drowned and died
    4. He was a pilot but since the civil war started he was not a pilot anymore
    5. Mark twain died on August 21, 1910

    My one that I think is interesting is huckleberry finn because since Miss Golden likes it so I would probably like it to.
    - Aaron Rodgers

  17. 1. On the night Samuel was born Halley's comet was visible and when he died it passed by
    2. He and his friends hunted for treasure
    3. He went from average to rich to broke to rich to average again
    4. He was a really famous author but if he would have died because when he was
    born he was weak we would not have read any of his great books
    5. In just 4 months he wrote 25 articles!

    I would like to read Huckleberry Finn because I would like to know a little bit more about Samuel and this book is based on his friend and a slave


  18. Some facts l learned about Samuel Clemens are: 1.Samuel Clemens wrote Huckleberry Finn. 2.Samuel Clemens was born on 1835. 3.Samuel went down the Mississippi river on a steam boat. 4.He got married in 1870. 5.His house had 19 bedrooms.
    l would read Huckleberry Finn because being on a steam boat as a stowaway seems very cool.


  19. 1) I found it interesting that he wrote in his autobiography that he would die when Haley's Comet passed through. 2) I found it interesting that he based Huckleberry Finn on his friend Tom. 3) I found it interesting that his brother didn't pay Samuel to work for him. 4) I was really surprised when he went back to work for his brother (even with pay)!

    I would like to read Huckleberry Finn because it has characters based after real life people.


  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. The book that I want to read that's by Mark Twain is The Prince and the Pauper because I love book that are fiction. And in this book Tom Canty, youngest son of a poor family living with the dregs of society in Offal Court, has always aspired to a better life, encouraged by the local priest (who has taught him to read and write). Loitering around the palace gates one day, he sees a prince (the Prince of Wales – Edward VI). Tom is nearly caught and beaten by the Royal Guards; however, Edward stops them and invites Tom into his palace chamber. which is fiction but kind of non fiction.
    4 facts abut Mark Twain
    1.When Mark Twain was 70 years old he was honored in New York at a banquet.
    2.In April 21,1910 Mark Twain died.
    3.When Mark Twain went to Carson City he started panning for gold and investing in mines in Nevada.
    4.The story of Huckleberry Finn based on the life of his friend Tom Blankenship

    . by:mx

  22. One interesting fact I read was that Mark twain was a Confederate soldier and went back home to Iowa to avoid the fighting. That was a smart choice! Fact 2 is that 2 of his friends drowned in the river, but he was twice saved by a slave. Also, it took him a long 7 years to write his book "Huckleberry Finn". The last fact is that he rode on a boat on the Mississippi River all alone! I would be too scared to do that alone!
    The book I want to read is The Adventure of Tom Sawyer because by reading about it and looking at the cover it looks very exciting, fun and adventurous! I'll definitely read it soon!


  23. The first fact is he made up the nazmeMark Twain.The second is that he was born when a comet was visible and his mother called that comet a good sigh.Ted thirdc is that it took about 7 years to finish Huckleberry Finn.The last fact is that Mark Twain moved around so much!!! The book i would want to read is The Adventure of Tom Sawyer.

  24. My first fact is he was born on the day Haley's Comet was visible.Around the age of six years old he stayed with his eight cousins!About tree years later he snuck away on a Mississippi River boat.The bad part is that the Mississippi River is dangerous for children because they could easily drown.When he was older and had already started writing articles he ended up doing speeches around the U.S.
    This is what book I want to read of Mark Twain's. I would choose "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" because when we started reading it in class I was actually pretty interested in the book.Then it started getting interesting and we stopped!Now I really want to read it.

  25. Some things i found interesting in the article were how sammuel clemens/Mark twain was born early. I know alot of people who were prematurly and some features have not been developed. I wonder if Mark was born not fully developed.Another thing I foud very interesting was how in Sammuel'S childhood he dreamed of becoming a steambout piolet and achived his goal for a short period of time. Something crazy and uncommon was the fact that Sammuel was born while the Halley's comet was passing by,yet he died around 1910 which was when Halleys comet passed by again. Mark Twain is not his real name, it is his pseudomym. It reminds me of Dr.Seuss.
    A book I would like to read of his is "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calavereas County" because my mom tells me she read it when she was younger and reccomends it for me. I'll have to give it a try!

  26. There is a ship called "Mark Twain" Tokyo Disneyland attraction.
    I'm surprised that I did not know his name.
    I think that it is amazing to go to various cities.
    I want to read his books now on then.
    Eita Mizuno

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. His book, "The adventure of Tom Sawyer" is also very famous in Japan. I was very excited and thrilled to read various Tom's adventures and tricks as if I did in real world.
    I want to travel in his home town in Mississipi some day to see his playground for the whitewashing.
    Juntaro Enomoto

  29. Fact 1: He was born when you could see Hailey's comet in the sky.
    Fact 2: He wanted to become a steamboat pilot ,and he became one!
    Fact 3: When he was 70 years old, he was given a honorary collage degree.
    Fact 4: He died when Hailey's comet was disappearing.

    I want to read Huckleberry Fin because it sounds interesting.

