Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wind Power

Wind Power
By: Alliant Energy for Kids

After reading the article about "Wind Power", please answer the following questions:

1. What is the genre and purpose of this text?
2. State 3 facts you thought were interesting
3. What do you think are benefits of using wind turbines to make energy?
4. What do you think could be problematic with using wind turbines?


  1. The genre of this text is to inform you because it's not persuading or entertaining you. It's informing you about wind power. The purpose of this text is for you to learn about wind power.
    I think it was interesting that:
    1. windmills spin up to 14 miles per hour
    2. windmills are about 13 feet wide and can get up to 406 feet tall
    3. windmills have 15 parts and they're all very useful
    I think the benefit of using wind turbines is that it is very powerful, not very much electricity is used, and it spreads a long way.
    I think the problem with using these wind turbines is that they cost a lot of money, take up a lot of space, and you may get tired of the wind.


  2. the genre of the this article is to inform you because it does not persuade you to get a wind farm of even a windmill.Also not entertain because there are true facts all over the article.The purpose of the text is to for you to learn what windmill/wind farms are and what do they do.

    1.there can be up to 150 windmills in 1 wind farm.
    2.wind mills can produce energy for 1,000,000 houses if the wind farm is big enough.
    3.That a windmill has 15 parts.It thought that windmills had way less parts.
    I think the benefits are that turbine can be useful ion the middle of know where.
    The problem is that that turbines don't really get that much attention in other parts of the world.


  3. I think the genre is a fable and the purpose is to inform you about wind turbines.
    1.The person with the most wind turbines has 4,800.
    2. The wind goes at least 14 miles per hour.
    3. The hight of the wind mill is 406ft.
    I think the benefits are good because they give us elicricty. I think the problem is that it cost to much or it is so big and it takes up a lot of space.

    - Aaron Rodgers

  4. 1.the genre is realistic fiction and the purpose is to tell you why wind power is important.
    2.California has more than 4,800 wind turbines second fact the turbines are 13 feet wide and 230 or 265 feet tall.
    3.well if you live in the middle of no where then you have the turbines that make energy.
    4.well the problem might be one day something happens and the turbines just stop moving then what

  5. 1st. The genre is non fiction because its telling real facts and the purpose is to inform you by windmills.
    2nd. California's largest windmill farm has more than 4,800 wind turbines.
    3rd. 5 windmills can be considered as a windmill farm
    4th. Iowa is 2nd in our whole nation in windmills!
    5th. Each windmill averages at a speed of 14 miles per hour.
    6th. The benefits are extremely helpful because it can power quite a few homes and uses wind energy.
    7th.The problem is that 1 windmill can only power a few machines.

    ----- BENNET ------

  6. I think the genre is expository because its explaining stuff about windmills.The authors purpose is him trying to inform us about windmills.I thought that it was cool how windmills can be 406 feet tall.I also found it interesting that Altamont Pass in California has more than 4,800 wind turbines. I also thought it was cool how they need to be built in areas that have 14 mile per hour winds. benifits are that if you don't have an electric source you can get one from something that will never run out.Problems will be if people decide that they want to have a city instead of a wind farm will run out of power.

  7. 1.The genre is to inform you because it tells you how people use wind to create electricity.
    2.Fact 1:Iowa ranks second in the nation for wind energy.
    Fact 2:The bigger the windmill,the more electricity it produces.
    Fact 3:One of the largest wind farms in the U.S. is in Altamont Pass,California.
    3.The benefits of having windmills is that it does not cause polution and it is clean energy.
    4.I think that if they break down,it might take a long time to repair them.You might not have electricity for a while.

  8. I think that the genre of this selection is nonfiction.

    3 facts:
    - the bigger a windmill, the better it is
    - the largest windmill farm has over 4,800 windmills
    - a wind turbine works the opposite of a fan
    I think that whom ever invented the turbine was brilliant because other ways to make electricity may harm nature.

    What may seem negative is that if they install too many turbines and a storm thnat was harmful to the turbines occured what could be a nonharmful alturnitive.


  9. The genre is informative non-fiction because it's giving us true information. The purpose is to inform us about windmills and their purpose.
    fact 1. Wind farms are built in flat open areas
    fact 2. Wind blows always blows at least 14 miles per hour
    fact 3. wind farms can have as few as 5 turbines or as many as 150

    You only need wind to make the turbines create energy, and we do not have to make or buy wind. Nature does it for us.
    Problems could be the need for open fields, you need lots of wind, and you need a lot of turbines to power up thing. >


  10. 1. The genre is non-fiction and the purpose is to inform.
    2.Wind farms can have 150 turbines. They are about 406 feet tall. The largest wind farm has more than 4,800 wind turbines!
    3.The benefits of using wind turbines are that it is renewable energy and it reduces the use of fossil fuels.
    4. The farms reduce habitat space for animals so wildlife is driven from the area. Also, the noise that the farm causes could be disruptive.


  11. 1. The genre of this text was nonfiction and its purpose was to inform.
    2. (1) Iowa ranks 2nd in the nation for wind energy production. (2) One of the largest wind farms in the U.S is Alamont Pass,it has more than 4,800 wind turbines! (3) we buy more than 400 MW of energy from wind farms.
    3. The benefits of wind turbines are that they don't pollute the earth and that they provide clean energy.
    4. The problem is that if we make too many wind turbines we would destroy habitats and nature.

  12. The genre of this text is non fiction and the purpose is to inform you.
    1.the bigger the turbine the greater it gets
    2.the biggest turbine field is 4,800 feet!
    3.the more the wind reaches the more electricity it gets
    the good thing about having wind turbines is that you need a lot of electricity in your life.the problem with wind turbines is that you need room for other stuff like homes.

  13. 1. I think the genre is to inform because it tells you about wind energy and wind farms.
    2. 1 A wind farms can have as little as 5 mind mills or as much as 1,000!
    3. I think one benefit is less pouloition.
    4. I think one problem could be if a wind mill could be if one fell on a person and killed them. : (

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boppy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  14. 1:its non fiction because its telling about windmills.
    2:that windmills make energy.and that somewhere in california theres 4,800 windmills.and they can be 13ft high!
    3:if they brake down they can damage things

  15. The purpose is to inform you about this passage and the genera is non-fiction.
    1. Iowa is 2nd in this nation in wind millers
    2. windmills can be 406 feet tall
    3.wind mills in Iowa can produce energy for 1,000,000 houses.My favorite fact
    The benefits of using wind turbines to make energy is that you could have technology,heat,and lots of more things.
    I think that when it breaks or does not work anymore or falls is a problematic with using wind turbines.


  16. 1. The genre of text is about is to give you information and is non-fiction.
    2. Three facts that were interesting are that wind turbines are usually approximately 13 feet wide at the base and between 230 and 265 feet tall at the hub, wind farms have as many as 150 wind turbines and a windmill on a farm can make only enough electricity to power a few machines.
    3. The benefits are that they provide clean energy without using other power sources to make it run.
    4. I think the blades on a wind turbine could cause problems and damage to other machines if they broke and fell. H,W,

  17. the genre is non fiction and the purpose is to inform you about wind power.
    1. one wind farm has more than 4,800 wind turbines
    2. Iowa is second in the nation for wind energy production
    3. wind mills blow at least 14 mph

    4. the benifets are, even though it takes a really long time to build, they still give energy to buildings, homes, and schools.
    5.If it's not a windy day, it won't produce much electricity that day.

  18. 1. I think the genre is to inform because its not persuading you or its not to entertain you.
    2. A windmill on a farm doesn't make a lot of electricity, bigger windmills are better than small ones, the windmill works the opposite of a fan.
    3.I think it was a good idea because it is a different way to make electricity.
    4. It could be bad because it could break down during bad weather and you wont have electricity. -Rachel

  19. The genre is non-fiction because it has facts and actual places.The purpose is to inform you because it is not persuading you to generate power from a windmill,it is telling you about it.
    1. Iowa ranks second in the nation with about a 2,900 utility scale.
    2. One of the largest windmill farms is in California and has more than 4,800 wind turbindes.
    3.The wind needs to blow at least 14 miles an hour for a wind farm to be built there.
    The benefit of having wind farms is that less fossil fuels will be used and that leads to more coal and oil in the future.
    One day the wind might be way to strong like in a Hurricane and the windmill might be knocked over,or maybe one day all of the electricity that has been stored might go away.What about the people who use the power and the windmill breaks,those people would be mad.

    Emma Kay ;-) :-)

  20. The genre of this text is non-fiction and the purpose is to in form.
    1,Wind farms are built in flat,open areas.
    2,Wind blows at least 14miles per hour.
    3,The wind turbine size is about 13feet wide at the base and between 230 and 265 feet
    tall at the hub.
    4, There are 4,800 wind turbines in Califolnia.
    5, I think the problem that wind turbine's cost is too much and it needs to big space.

  21. I think the genre is non-fiction because the article is telling you real facts about this power source. The purpose of this text is to entertain you about it. The wind turbines help by generating energy from wind, so it transports to our houses so we get more power. When hurricanes,earthquakes,tornadoes,or typhoons come, it may effect the reactor by making it spin the other way, which also might cause energy to be released.
    if the rotor breaks and snaps off, it might fall on unexpected places and demolish things.


  22. This story is telling you how a windmill works

  23. Miguel Torres
    1. What is the genre and purpose of this text?
    Non fiction, informative.

    2. State 3 facts you thought were interesting
    You can use wind mills to produce electricity
    They are really big
    It's technology that has been around long time ago.

    3. What do you think are benefits of using wind turbines to make energy?
    To save energy using a green energy

    4. What do you think could be problematic with using wind turbines?
    They could kill birds. They are too big and use a lot of space.

  24. 1,where is wind power used.
    2,Iowa:Iowa's wind energy production is 2nd place in United States of America.
    Wisconsin:wind turbines in Wisconsin are biggest.
    California: One of largest wind farm is in California.
    3,I think it is convenient idea, because wind power is used everywhere.
    4,I think the problem is to need wide field and to pick right place.

    Eita Mizuno
