Wednesday, May 13, 2015

CNN Student News

Hello Pioneers,

Tonight you are going to watch CNN Student News from Wednesday, May 13, 2015. After you are finished you are to answer a few questions:


After watching the news, please answer the following questions (Make sure you watched the news from WEDNESDAY MAY 13):

1. Which President thought of the idea to create a Presidential Library and why? Which President's library would you want to visit and why?

2. How is a drone more effective than a helicopter for putting out fires? Explain

3. Which news story was most interesting to you and why?

Above are two pictures of President George W. Bush's in Dallas, TX.

Bill Clinton's Presidential Library in Little Rock, Arkansas

President George H.W. Bush Presidential Library in College Station, TX

Inside President Ronald Reagan's Presidential Library Simi Valley, California

There are more Presidential Libraries you can find online! Go and check it out!

Get to it pioneers!


  1. 1.George W. Bush thought of the library. He created it because there wasn't enough room in his office (aka, the White House). I would want to visit Jimmy Carder's library because it seems interesting how he got a prize.
    2. A drone is more effective because it can show what the fire is doing, it can give an internet signal where there might not be one, and they may be able to save lives.
    3. My favorite story was the Briton on their Cellphones story. I like that one because I think it's interesting that Britons spend 1/7 of their life on cellphones!

    1. Isn't it sad how often people are on the internet? Oops! We are on the Internet right now! :)

  2. 1. George W. Bush was the first to think of the idea of having a presidential library because he didn't like the amount of space in his office/white house. I also would like to visit Jimmy Carder's library because he was my VIP in 3rd grade.
    2. The drone can be better than a helicopter because if a helicopter were to put out a fire there possibly could be a death I that situation for whoever is flying the helicopter or if the drone were to put out the fire it could probably put it out with absolutely 0% deaths.
    3.The most interesting story to me is Tom Brady and the Patriots because the most surprising thing to me is that Tom Brady is suspended for 4 games and the Patriots lose their 1ST round pick in 2016.

  3. 1. George W. Bush thought of this because there wasn't enough room in the White House.
    2. A drone can see where the fire is and it takes 5 min. for it to get in the air and a helicopter takes 20 min. to get in the air.
    3. My favorite story was the Nepal earthquake because it is it is weird for a city to have 2 earthquakes.
    - Aaron Rodgers

  4. 1. George W. Bush was the person who thought of the idea. The reason he created it was because he didn't have enough room. I think its really cool to see what the office actually looks like and what the presidents see everyday
    2. The drone is better than a helicopter in putting out fire because it comes in 5 minutes while a helicopter take 30-60 minutes, and the drone can see through the walls to show where the fire is.
    3. The most interesting thing for me was the drone putting out the fire better than the helicopter. I think it is really cool how fast it goes and it knows where the fire is


  5. 1. George W. Bush thought of the presidential library. George W. Bush presidential library, Because it looks interesting and educational.
    2. The drones are much faster than helicopters and has thermal vision to detect fire.
    3. The drones because they are really cool robots and will save many lives and homes from fire.

  6. Franklin Roosevelt started the first presidential library because he had too many papers on his desk from the great depression.I would want to see Ronald Reagons because he has the airplane in his library.A drone can get to the fire quicker and take out the flame faster.It will tell you where the fire is strong.I liked the drone story because I thought it was cool how they are using drones that could save alot of lives.

    1. You're the first to get part one correct! Way to go:)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. 1.Teddy Roosevelt made the first presidential library to store all his documents. l would want to go to Teddy Roosevelt's to see what it was like back then.
    2.A drone is more effective because it takes 5 minutes for it to get there and it can sense where the fire's coming from.
    3. My favorite story was the one about the drones because l think it's cool that the drones can sense where the fire's coming from.


    1. The drones were pretty interesting! I can't wait to see how they will be incorporated into our everyday lives!

  9. 1.The first person to think of this idea would be Franklin Roosevelt.Because he thought he had to much papers on his desk.I would like to see Ronald Regans because theres a giant airplane in the library.
    2.A drone is way more effective because a drone can get there in 5 minutes and a helicopter 30.Also a drone is more educated and people in that helicopter can't see through the house.
    3.My favorite story was the story about the drone because it is so cool that they found a way to save peoples live faster and more efficient.

  10. 1. Franklin Roosevelt had the idea of a presidential library because he wanted people to be able to look back on history.

    I would like to visit the Ronald Reagan library because it looks modern and interesting.

    2.A drone is more effective than a helecopter because it is way more faster and has a thermal camera that can detect where the fire is currently.

    3.My favorite news story was the one about the drone because it is cabable of using cool accessibilities it provdes unlike a humman

  11. 1.The person who invented the presidental library was Thedore Rosevelt.
    2.Drones are better than helicopters bcause drones can easly detect fire and yhey fly quicker and are small and light weight.
    3.My favorite article was thesecond earthquake in Nepal.I thought it was interesting because they just had an earthquake in April!And it is pretty cool seeing two earthquakes in a row in the same country!


    1. Sorry, it was supposed to be George W. Bush
      And yhey is supposed to is supposed to be they.


  12. alfredo did this ^^^^ (* - *)



    1. Thanks Joe! And I think you meant to write Franklin Roosevelt! Though Theodore was related to Franklin:)

  14. 1. Franklin Roosevelt . He did it because he wanted people to see it later on.
    2. It is more effective because it gets to a fire faster because it takes less time to launch.
    3. I liked the drone one because I like robotic things.


  15. franklin Roosevelt because he one day said there's so many documents.
    i would like to go to Gorge Bushes because i would want to see his office from camp david .
    i think a drone because a helicopter takes 30-45 minutes to get in the air but a drone only 5 minutes.
    i think the drone because it will revolutioniez the way of fire fighting.

  16. Replies
    1. 1.Franklin Roosevelt created the presidential library because he was sitting
      at his desk one day thinking,"I have so many papers on my desk that people might want to look at".He realized that maybe he could have some sort of museum with stuff.He told people and they all decided to make a presidential library for what he did in his term.
      2. The drone is more effective in fires because the drone knows where the fire is so it can lead the firefighters safely to people.It also can get there in a about 5 minutes while it takes a helicopter 30-60 minutes.
      3. in my opinion, I think the most interesting article was the one abut pictures from space.I think this because it was really cool to see sunset from a different planet even further from the sun than we are.

      Emma Kay ;-) :-0 ;-) :-0

  17. 1.The person who created the presindetial library was franklin Roosevelt. He created it because he had a lot papers on his desk.
    2.Well because a drone can actually tell what is happening and maybe do something. While a helicopter is just in the air and people in the helicopter are trying to make the fire go away.
    3.I thought the library one was interesting because it just gave more detail and the library has to do something with presidents. Know I think that's cool

  18. 1.President Roosevelt was the first president to create a Presidential Library in 1930.
    He had a lot of records of the great depression, he wanted the people to have access to all of those papers.
    2.I would like to visit George Bush SR. presidential library because is located in Collage Station, TX
    3. A helicopter takes 30 minutes to an hour depending of where the fire is to get there, where a drone can be deployed in 5 minutes .
    4.I like the story of the most resent earthquake in Nepal it was not as strong as the first one but it destroyed more buildings and killed more people, it is sad to see all the destruction but it is also interesting to see what the earth can do.-Leon

  19. 1. Franklin Roosevelt was the president who came up with the idea because he needed a place to organize his papers. I would like to visit George Bush's library because it is in college station and I like Texas A&M.
    2. A drone is better to use because its easier and quicker to get to the fire. It only takes 5 min for the firefighters to pull out the drone and it takes a helicopter 30-45 min.
    3. I think the most interesting story was about Tom Brady and the Patriots because I like football. Also, they cheated during the super bowl which was interesting about how a good player/team would do that.

  20. 1.Franklin Roosevelt created the first presidental library because of all of the papers on his desk
    2.The drone can tell what what happens in the fire and can get there faster than a helacopter.
    3.I thought the drone story was coolest because itwas cool that they can see more of whats hapening in a fire.

  21. 1. Franklin Roosevelt started the first presidential library because he had alot papers on his desk from the great depression.I would want to see Barack Obama presidential library when it is made because he is our president right know and because he did wonderful things for our world,and also I want to see what he has in it.
    2. will a dorne comes to the fire in 5 minutes and a helcoptor come in at 30 or 20 minutes and a dorne can see where the fire is and where has it spread and how to solve it yet a helcoptor does not do this.
    3. the story that was most interasting was the presidential library because it is a museum\ library that shows what happend in that time when that person was president which i find very enthusiastic.

  22. George W Bush created the library. He created it because he didn't have enough space in his office. I would like to visit George W Bush's library because I could see his things and work.Drones are more effective because they can locate fires and what they are doing.I liked the drone article the most because it is cool and amazing for a drone to do all this locating and telling what it does.


  23. 1. Franklin Roosevelt came up with the idea because he wanted people to see his records. I would visit the George Bush library because it shows a replica of his office and I thought it was pretty cool that it was almost exact.
    2. drones can help more than a helicopter because it can show what the fire is doing and it can give an internet signal. it takes about 30 to 60 minutes to gat a helicopter in the air but only 5 minutes for a drone. it can show you where the fire actually is.
    3. I thought the most interesting segment was the one about the patriots because it left me thinking, will the patriots get D.Q.ed and the seahawks be the winners by default.~ANJELICA

  24. 1.Franklin Roosevelt was the president who invented the president library because he didn't have space on his desk for all the papers.I want go to George Bush's library because it is close to Houston and because it seems interesting.
    2.A drone can get there way faster than a helicopter.It takes 5 minutes for the drone and 30-60 minutes for the helicopter.
    3.The most interesting story in my opinion was the one with pictures from space.It is pretty cool that people recorded the sunset from Mars.If i was on Mars I would take to many videos of the sunset.


  25. 1. Franklin Roosevelt created the first presidential library because he wanted people to remember the record of the Great Depression and other things later on. I would like to visit President Bush's library because it is located in College Station,Texas.
    2. Drones are better for putting out fires because it's safer than a person's death.
    3. My favorite story was how much we go on our electronics because,I never knew that most people spend twenty four hours on their electronics every week!

  26. 1.The person who came up with the presidential library was Franklin Roosevel because of the papers on his desk.The library I would want to visit would be the first library because I want to see how things were like back then.
    2.The drone can give more information faster.It can tell where the fire is and helicopters can't.
    3.My favorite news story was the drone one because I thought you could know were the fire is .

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. 1. Which President thought of the idea to create a Presidential Library and why? Which President's library would you want to visit and why?
    Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first president to buil a Presidential Library. I would like to visit the George H.W. Bush library because it is in Texas.

    2. How is a drone more effective than a helicopter for putting out fires? Explain
    A drone can be deployed in five minutes and a helicopter takes 30 minutes to get to the fire site. Also can help you the location of the fire without risk lifes.

    3. Which news story was most interesting to you and why?
    My favorite news was the one about Mars. I liked it because it is amazing the Rover took a picture of the sunset on Mars and it is amazing we can see it.

    Miguel T.

  29. 1.Frankilan rosavelt and we need presadential libraries because we need to remember those people.I want to see gorege w. bushes because he was a good person.

    2.because it can see where the fire is.

    3.the earthquake and because it hurt others.And was a big earthquake.

  30. 1-❶ I think Franklin Roosevelt built the presidential library.
    Because Roosevelt wanted to show people his president life.
    1-❷ I want to go George Washington's library.
    Because I'm interested in Washington's life.
    2 Drone can go to the fire so quickly than helicopter.
    It takes 5 minutes to fire by drone.(helicopter is 30~60 minutes)
    3 My favorite news is Patriots's news.
    Because I watched SUPER BOWL XLIX in Houston.

    Eita Mizuno

  31. 1.Think he built the library because he think's everyone can see there work and there life . I would want to vist Andrew Jackson's life because I don't know much about his life.
    2.I think a drone is better because it can do thermal(heat vision)imaging so they know where the fire is and it can deploy in 5 min unlike a helicopter to get there.
    3.My favorite news was the football game because I was thirrled how Tom Brady would do this on the semifinals to the SUPER BOWL XLIX.
    === Andrew Luck===

  32. Franklin Roosevelt created the museum so he could keep his records in the museum organized.
    Drones make a big difference when there is fire because they don't risk the fire fighters lives.Also nit takes only 5 min.
    I was very interested on how they work because they have this heat vision.\

  33. 1.Franklin Roosevelt was the first President who created the president library to cleanup and store a lot of papers on his desk. I'd like to go to the Georage W Bush Libraly.Because it is In Texas. He was from Texas and I am texans.
    2. A Drone is more effective than a helicopter because it can move quickly and easy to control even by an Internet.
    3. The earthquake in napal interests me most because we had several severe earthquakes in Japan and I feel very sorry for the people in Nepal hoping the soonest recovery.
    Juntaro Enomoto
