Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Text-to-Text Connection

Hello Pioneers,

Tonight you are going to write about a text-to-text connection you made with the book you are currently reading to a book you have read before. Please write at least 3 sentences

Next, please find a word you don't know in your book and define it.

Please do all parts of the assignment!

Get to it, Pioneers! :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Books You're Reading!

Hello, Pioneers!

I promised I would post pictures of the books you're talking about in our blog. This is a great way to venture out and notice new and different books!

Wow! You guys are really reading some interesting books! Can't wait to catch up with you all!

*If you want a book added to the list, just comment below! We can build up our book log!

Happy reading!:-)


Good Evening, Pioneers,
Tonight you are going to discuss the setting of your book after reading for 35 minutes. Remember, setting is characterized by place, time, and environment.
1. Place: Where?
2. Time: When?
3. Environment: What?
*Remember environment is not limited to "sunny day, rainy day, etc.". Environment can mean tense, busy, crowded, exciting, etc. Think about going to a concert. A concert is often crowded and filled with exciting energy.
4. You are then going to write how the main character reacted or reacts to the setting.


I am reading the book "Nightmares" by Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller. The story takes place at an old, creepy mansion in the middle of no where. In today's reading, the main events happened during the dark, and spooky night. The old mansion's environment was full of spooks and noises that kept Charlie awake. The setting directly effected Charlie because _____________________________.

Remember there are four parts to this assignment! Be sure to explain (in depth) the main elements of your story's setting!

Good luck Pioneers! You can do it!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Good Evening, Pioneers,

Tonight, you are going to write about your favorite type of lead in writing. Leads are an essential part of our writing, since leads are what grabs a reader's attention to read your writing!

Here are some examples:

Tonight, I want you to state what your favorite type of lead is and why. Then give an example of that type of lead.

**Here is an example of what I expect:

My favorite type of lead is using a quote that connects with the topic in which I am writing about. I love to use quotes, because they empower me to think about a topic or an idea in a deeper way.

Here is an example:
        “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it,” Harper Lee wrote in her honest  yet inspirational story To Kill a Mockingbird.

Remember leads should be detailed and interesting. You want to grab the reader's attention. If you're stuck on what lead to choose, just open a book! There are plenty of examples out there!

Get to work, Pioneers! :-)

Monday, February 2, 2015

Character Challenges

Good Evening Pioneers,

After reading for 35 minutes, I want you to write at least 4 sentences explaining the challenges the main character of your book faced while you were reading. Make sure to be specific in your response, and to add enough details for your classmates to understand what you're talking about.


Title: Esperanza Rising
Author: Pam Munoz Ryan
Character's Challenge: After Esperanza's father passed away, she and her mother escape from Mexico to America for safety and to find a job. Not only is Esperanza faced with the challenge of living without her father, but she has to find work in one of the most challenging times in American history, The Great Depression.  Once, a wealthy vineyards daughter, is now forced to work in poorer conditions and during a challenging time in history.

Get to it, Pioneers!:)