Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Visualizing what you read

Hello Pioneers,

Tonight, you are going to write 5 sentences explaining what you visualized during a scene in your story. Your sentences should use "Sparkling words", but do not simply list adjectives. Use words that give your peers an idea of what you are seeing as you read.

Here is an example of what I expect:
Title: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Author: Mark Twain
Pages: ___

During the scene in which Huckleberry Finn and Jim are floating down the Mississippi River, I visualized a muddy and wide river. The river is so wide that the trees lining the river look small and far away. Also, the river is so thick with muddy water, that Huck cannot see his feet when standing in the shallow areas of the river. Though the river is not exactly beautiful, I visualized the overall scene to be tranquil because it's in the middle of the summer. Though it's quite warm outside, I am sure the greenery of the leaves on the tress, and the sounds of the wind blowing through the leaves makes floating down the big Mississippi peaceful...until the water picks up speed or a steam boat comes floating by!

Get to work, Pioneers:)


  1. I can't wait to write about what I visualize as I read!!

  2. I am reading wolf brother and in this scene that I am going to about is when I visualize the boy and his dad going on a camp out in beautiful woods and they are shocked to see a big brown bear come destroying some of the woods. I can just imagine the boys dad having his chest ripped open by the bear and his arm all torn up. imagine when the boy gets flung into a tree by the bear. I can put myself in his shoes because I can imagine my dad and i going camping and being interrupted by a bear and all those things happening ~ ronald

  3. I am reading The Neptune project and I visualize Nere and her friends in the ocean on a boat trying to find Jac and his friends which are drouding because there boat broke. I can also visualize Nere getting and talking to the dolphins to help them find Jac and his crew. I can also imagine the marine guards making sure nobody is in the ocean because it is closed and at night. One more thing I can see is Nere going back home and her mom getting mad at her because she did not fallow the rules about the ocean.

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  6. I am reading The Reptile Room.The scene takes place in a kitchen eating a delutious coconut cake with bright white icing.I vitulized the kids goblaing up the delutious coconut cake.Also in that scene the uncle who made the cake smelled it and i thing it smelled like a creamy,soft,juicy coconut cake. ~Flash

  7. I am reading granny Torrelli makes soup by Sharon Creech. I visualized from my book called Granny Torrelli makes soup is about when bailey was lost and she was wearing a red sweater and blue shorts. Also her friend rosie had lots of people over to help find bailey. Some people are the neighbors, old and young, racing up and down the streets shouting, bailey!bailey!bailey! And that was my visualized in my head from reading.~Becky

  8. I am reading Football Hero by Tim Green. Ty was at his house and Uncle Gary too. I visualized when Uncle Gary was snapping his fingers at Ty to eat his dinner but Ty was to concerned about his wide receivers not being able to play in practice


  9. Title: The Fugitive Factor
    Author: Gordon Korman
    Pages: 49-65

    During the scene in which Meg and Aiden are thrown off the 4 wheeler and tool down the rocky cliff, I visualized a extremely steep, rocky cliff. The cliff is so steep and deep that if yo are at the bottom you can barely see the top. Also, the cliff is so filled with sharp rocks, that both Meg and Aiden, once they are out, are so scratched up that a random man offers to take them to a hospital. Though the cliff is not exactly beautiful because of the sharp rocks, I visualize

    ~ Emma

    1. it to be like a canyon so it would be pulchritudinous.

      also Emma

  10. I am reading These Happy Golden Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder. First I visualized Laura going on the small, dark gray train on there way to Manchester.(Manchester is a small, little, town). Laura gets paid a dollar a week to stay with Mrs. McKee and her daughter Mattie. Then I visualized Laura , after three weeks , gets a letter from her sister Mary that she is coming home from Iowa to North Dakota.I pictured when Mary gets home that she brought gifts for Laura, Carrie ,Grace ,Ma, and Pa. Kitty ,there cat, didn't like strangers and did not remember Mary.

  11. ========
    I am reading Joshua Dread ,I visualize Joshua' Mom and Dad[mom and dad are super villains] on hover boards. Caption Justice [superhero] comes and tears the top school bus.Outside was terrible but anywhere closer 50 feet is perfectly fine including houses, people, animals and etc. Winds are going at high speeds at every direction and reporters came and screamed to Joshua's Mom and Dad .

  12. Rivals
    Tim Green
    I visualized the three hundred foot baseball fence. And somebody hits multipule home runs over the 300 foot fence. The fence was green and tall and high. The ball going high and very long. The boy is very strong and is a huge baseball hitter. - Manning

  13. Title: Mighty Mount Kilimanjaro
    Author: Geronimo Stilton

    When I was reading the scene when Bruce [Geronimo's friend] busted inside Geronimo's house and ordered Geronimo to climb 19,340 feet tall mountain called Mount Kilimanjaro, I visualized Geronimo relaxing on his nice soft recliner. Also he was drinking a cup of chocolatey hot cocoa and eating a delicious creamy cheese cake. He was also reading mysterious book. All of a sudden, Bruce busted inside Geronimo's house and ran toward Geronimo as fast as his legs could go. Then Bruce forcibly pulled Geronimo off his recliner knocking his hot cocoa and cheese cake on the ground. This made a very loud bang while splattering both the hot cocoa and the cheese cake on the clean beige carpet and walls.


  14. Title:cupcake diaries
    Author:Coco Simon

    During the scene where Katie is about to swing a bat at the softball and she gets scared when the ball gets close,I visualize myself using the bat as protection from the ball,and running away. Also,I visualize the softball going swiftly through the air and when it comes down I don't know what to do and panic.The people who are waiting to try out for the softball team behind me are holding in their laughs at me, and I feel melancholy. When Katie makes the team,I visualize that Katie is so surprised,but she's nervous because she has to go to softball practice every week. It's the first day of softball practice and Katy's all drenched in sweat,I visualize that it's hot outside and Katie feels like she's dying but she takes a nice warm shower.

  15. Title:The Giant Diamond Robbery
    Author:Geronimo Stilton

    As l was reading the scene when a steamroller crashed through Geronimo's house, l visualized a gigantic yellow steamroller tearing down a whole wall and front door. I also visualized a loud crashing noise while the steamroller crushed and destroyed all of his expensive possessions. While this was happening, Geronimo quickly jumped up out of his pawchair and started screaming in desperation. He was screaming as loud as he could so the destructive driver could hear him over the racket. Then he started sobbing because all of his things were being slowly smashed and destroyed.


  16. Title: I WRITE
    Author: Kids
    Pages:163 -200

    When I read I WRITE, I was reading the first short story. I visualized the time when the main character caught the last ball that was hurdeling toward his knee and he was telling him self don't freeze . In the end he caught the ball and won the game for him and his team.

  17. I read Owl Moon today.It is by the amazing write Jane Yolen.When I visualized myself in the story was when the dad and his son saw an owl swoop down from the moon lit dark sky.I imagined that I was the great horned owl,that I saw these people looking at me with amazed faces.And the huge bright moon shining on me.But then,I get very frighted and flew away with my powerful wings into the cold and dark starless night.That is what I visualized.I really was deep down in the book.

  18. Today I read Mudshark by Gary Paulsen. I visualize the scene when the librarian was talking about how the library was getting a new chalk board that is electric. The chapter made me visualize the active board in all of our classes because it pretty much is a chalk board that is electric. I also visualize Mudshark's friends not only asking the bird questions like the other kids did because the way they are working together on their plan means they stick together and definitely do not ditch each other for a bird~ANJELICA

  19. Today I read Platypus Police Squad The Frog Who Croaked. Today I visualized the detectives ( O'Malley and Zengo ) driving around in a very fancy car with a siren, a super computer, and a radio that only plays the platypus police squad radio. I also visualized their car going so slow in traffic, like 5 miles an hour. When they got to the docks Zengo Noticed a really bad smell, the bad smell made him gag for a solid minute. Later on they found a bag full of a synthetic variety of fish. They also found a wallet with no money and a jacket with elbow patches. Then they went to see if any people at the docks knew about the bag of fish, the wallet, and the jacket.

  20. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days / Jeff Kinney
    Pages: 1 - 20

    Greg was planning to spend all his Summer Vacations playing Video Games. He was planning to turn off all the lights and cover himself with a blanket. He was playing in the dark when suddenly a very shiny light hurt his eyes. Greg's mom entered the room open the curtains and told him to go outside. But instead of listen to his mom he started to act like a silly vampire hissing and trying to hide. His mom wasn't happy so she grounded the video game and made Greg to find something to do outside because it was a beautiful sunny day. Miguel

  21. Title:The Diary Of A Wimpy Kid
    Author:Jeff Kinney
    Today while I read Diary Of A Wimpy Kid I visualized the part where Rodrick tricks Greg and said that he slept through all of summer and that he was running late for school.While I read this I thought about me getting out of bed at 7:45 and having 5 minutes to get ready.I would get dressed and eat quickly.While I read this there was a part were he tried to do everything he does in the morning at once.i pictured this and I saw me doing that.It was weird.


  22. Pages 30-64
    Author: A.LaFaye

    I could visualize Nathaniel throwing his school book out the window and John Worth picking it up and trying to sound out phrases in the school book while Nathaniel's mom and dad are at the dining table were yelling at each other.
    ~~ Bob

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  25. I could visualize The Name of This Book Is Secret when I read Cass and Max-Earnest escaped from Dr.L and Miss Mauvias and where heading down the street. I could really picture them running away and barley making it.


  26. I am reading the book Worth by: A. LaFaye
    I visualized when John Worth comes in when it was raining and he had hay all in his hair.I saw him coming in shivering and his clothes ripped and teared.Smiling and blotches of hay every where. Nathaniels Mom picking the wheat from his bed.I also visualized when the Mom and Dad were fighting.I pictured rain all over the Dad and the Mom worried about how wet he was.Nathaniel hearing voices of a giant and seeing anger and feeling in the air,sadness filling his soul and seeing his parents stomp away from each other. - Emma Kay ; )

  27. Tittle:Geronimo Stiltion
    Author:Schoolastic inc.

    In Geronimo Stiltion I visualized him coming out of the lab on to the hot orange sand. He then was walking to a big big pyramid over a pretty sun set.He wore an eygptian shirt and pants and the sun shined bright over him.He was so happy that he got to go to the pyramid of cheops and see his tomb.And the sand got more darker when he walked.


  28. In the book Donner Dinner Party by Nathan Hale, the people are traveling on a wagon/cattle drive through the country to get From Florida to California. The trail was rocky, and they could not ride in the wagons. The food and supplies were in the wagons. It would probably smell dirty because they are outside in 1846. No showers! It was dusty with so many people. There were 90 peoples who started out on the trip. Everyone was very very hungry, and I envision growling stomachs while they ate carpet and other disgusting things. It was freezing, and everyone was very cold. This is a sad story of pioneers, but 49 of the people made it all the way to California where they would see sunshine, food, and shelter.


  29. I,m reading HARRY POTTER 4 by JK Rowling
    I visualised Harry going to Hagrid's caben and the snow covering the ground and
    they dont find him not even through the big windows and harry starts yelling about
    how Retta is so mean for being super mean to Hagrid.

  30. I'm reading space heeadz by Jon scieszka. When I was reading I visualized Michael K getting freaked out by these kids name bob and jennifer. In my head I can see michael K being kind of like okay. Then I can see bob and jennifer talking and saying are you sure your not a space head.Then there is this part where Jennifer says get ready to rumble because she spit out Michael K eraser and I can image bob and Jennifer laghuing so hard. I also image Michael K sitting at his desk and thinking there probely just joking around and goofing of. -Lilly

  31. I am reading the Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan. I visualized a dramatic scene when Jason, one of the characters heard an explosion and he looked up and saw ghouls. Then, he joins in. It's all good until one ghoul explains that Hera and other gods are not able to pass the river beyond Mount Olympus. I picture myself as Jason right when he grabs the nearest knife and stab it into the table which causes all the ghouls to jump. Then,Jason's goddess mom appears and melts all of the lead in Jason's stomach.


  32. I read Pickle Juice on a Cookie last night. I visualized Eleanor sitting with her babysitter in a big room. I imagine her babysitter having dark brown hair that is thick and in a ponytail. Eleanor and her sitter are sitting in the kitchen. I imagine the kitchen being all white with no clutter - not even a pencil! Then Eleanor rushes out of the room for her hairbrush. She is using a blue hairbrush with yellow polka dots and a thin hair ribbon tied around it.


  33. Ichiro is a baseball player of veteran. He will play in this year Miami Marlins. Uniform number is the third time "51". Ichiro is a person who will continue the effort. So, he became a stolen base king-leading hitter. Because I'm Japanese, it is happy.
    I read " Ichiro Suzuki " Juntaro Enomoto
